Local dish you will find in the street of lagos, nigeria

Only a foodie like me will understand the enjoyment right here, these and more are what you will enjoy when you visit my country nigeria


Nice one. Keep it up!

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Hai @JessicaIdahosa90

Terima kasih sudah berbagi tentang makanan.

Apa nama makanan ini?

Nasi dan daging.

Daging hewan apa?

Bisa kami deskripsi tentang makanan ini?

Terima kasih

Sorry i dont understand speak nor understand india, can you write in English please

Try using Google Translate. You will also find the comment is in Indonesian (according to GT. And the hint from the flag flying).

GT is good but not always accurate so any feedback from those that have language skills to Google would be a great help to them. Have fun.

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looks so tasty but little bit spicy.

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Truly its spicy, most nigerians like me, like it spicy

Ok, thank you for the insight

Hi @ Idahosa90 Thank you for sharing about food.

What is the name of this food?

Rice and meat. What animal meat?

Can we describe this food?

thank you

@kasiyanta hello

That is Rice and cow meat intestine, in tomato sauce with what we call locust beans and the green thing you see on the top of the food its spring onion to spice it up and give it that beautiful color

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