Lists - I have places in my lists that existed when I put them on the list but have now been deleted

During the changes made during the Covid epidemic some places were closed and then deleted from Maps and then when the re-opened they were put back on as new entities. This has created problems with my lists. I use lists extensively and where I had an item on a list that was deleted from Google Maps it remains on my list but when I edit the list and try to click on the item I get a message “Could not connect”. This means that I am unable to delete these orphan items from my list. I can add the new entry, although this creates work for me but my list is then untidy because it has unaccessible items on it.

How do I delete these orphan entries from my lists?

Below is an example from my Favorites list.

The item “Alberque de peregrinos Siervas de Maria” is an orphan entry. The only information associated with it are the GPS coordinates. It is not possible to click on or delete this item.


Hi @Doughnut

First of all awesome username. I just bought some Christmas themed donuts. :green_heart:

Second, thank you for sharing the issue you were seeing, and I love to see how you are most passionate about lists.

To gather some more info, from your screenshot, when you click the 3 dots- it should allow you to see Edit List

Screenshot 2022-12-07 at 11.24.47 PM.png

From there, if you are on mobile- the view will appear as first screenshot. You will click on 3 dots again to the right of the entry to Remove.

If you are on desktop- the second screenshot… you will just simply click the X. Can you let us know if you are seeing something different when you try that or if an X or 3 dots does not appear? (If you have any other screenshot of what it looks like once you are on the Edit list mode, please share.) :slightly_smiling_face:

Another suggestion that I can think of (if the above doesn’t work) is… try searching by the exact coordinates you want to remove and then you can click on the Saved button underneath to remove it. I made an example search and you can refer to the 3rd screenshot. Clicking on save would then remove that saved GPS coordinate from the list.

Hope that helps. :crossed_fingers:

Thanks. I was able to delete the items when using G Maps on my laptop using your suggested methos but this could not be done with my phone. These days I do almost all of my work on my phone. Thanks heaps.

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Happy Friday eve @Doughnut

Awesome to hear. :slightly_smiling_face:

You have super rest of your day and hope you have a great weekend. :two_hearts: