Life with Google Maps.. - My Story

Hello google local guide world,This is Uditha Wijesinghe from Sri Lanka. Just about my story on google maps.

Technology helps people in many ways and it is sometimes unbelievable when compare to history.Google maps is always my best partner in my here Sri Lanka i am running a little inbound tour business called “Unseen Ceylon Private Tours” and each and every month i am traveling all over the Sri Lanka with people from different part of the world.I am the person who is responsible for planing the tour and making the final itinerary and also most of the time i drive with the tourists to the best travel destinations in Sri Lanka such as Ella, Kandy, Sigiriya,Dambulla, Anuradhapura, Trincomalee,Nuwaraeliya,pasikudah, Galle,Colombo… some photos i took during my job.

I am doing this job for several years as a freelancer and always google map and street view help me a lot to find the locations,directions, to check about road condition, time…etc.

When i start to contribute google maps it was called “Google map maker” which permanently closed in i have a good memory and history with google map the beginning lot of places were not added to google maps in Sri Lanka.My job was quit difficult with these less whenever i go to a location with tourists (Specially hotels,Guest houses, Restaurants) which was not listed google maps , i used to add it to google maps and i gave information about “google map maker” & “google my business” to the place owner because i wanted to do my job easily and i thought it will help to others like me.
This is how i started to contribute google i contributed google maps with my job.

After permanently closed the map maker program , i knew about the new Local Guide program and about new features of google maps but from the beginning i mainly did the adding locations, photos…etc.after knowing @AnuradhaP , An Active Sri Lanakn local guide , i knew about this local guides connect and
this community and also he gave me lot of information about new features of google maps.i personally believe it was a great meeting in my life.he conducted lot of meet up in Sri Lanka and i could join with some of them.

because of @AnuradhaP , I got a chance to Contribute Google Video

“Local Hero: Mapping Sri Lanka’s Archaeological Sites” .

Watch it here.

It was a great milestone in my google map life and i started to get more active in google maps. I could participate with another great meet up in a Hot Air Baloon organized by @AnuradhaP .I think it was in 2017.

It is a once in a life time experience and i joined with it with @Seedra .

The last meet up i attended also gave me lot of knowledge about google maps and specially i knew about the features in google street view and i became a Street view trusted photographer few days ago.

Here is the shared Google Photo Album of the last blue line meetup.

This is how now i am working with Sri Lanakn local guides communities but i am still doing my previous habit as it is , whenever i go somewhere , I used to add the photos, review the places ,answering questions.helping the business owners to claim the business,update map information,about other google products like google AdWords and advertising in google and also i give information about google map local guide program.

Currently i am a level 7 Google Local Guide.slowly but continuously i am going for the next level…

I personally believe I help lot of people to find the correct information and direction so i feel that self satisfaction and earning badges & points give a good value to it and annual events like “Local Guide Connect in California” will change the lives of local guides in all over the world with great experience.

All in all this is the best service google ever has where they can join the local communities to develop the world.many people use it in a different way in different jobs like me.

Special thanks to @AnuradhaP for everything.

Not to stop… lets map the world again and again…

#localguides #ConnectLive #ConnectLive2019 #SriLankaLocalGuides #LetsGuide


@Udithakw Wow, nice post. Thank for mentioning me, I personally believe I helped you as a fellow Local Guide and friend, and I do not need special mentioning.

All the best!



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Please read this helpful post – Why was my Connect post marked as spam? – to help you to understand why it may occur.

Thanks for taking the time to help improve Google Maps! Are you contributing every time you are on the road with your tour guide business? @AnuradhaP is a great Local Guides role and mentor. You are in great hands with him!

Best of luck with your Connect Live 2019 application submission. =)




@KarenVChin Thank you.


@AnuradhaP actually you are the key person , If i didnt have your support i ll never try this.


Thanks a lot @KarenVChin , It is a great help.yes most of the time when i travel around the country i took some photos.if the places are not listed or listed with incorrect information and without photos, i mainly do my duty.


wow this is a nice post. All the best @Udithakw .

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@Seedra thanks a lot and wish you the same.

Nice post @Udithakw , it is great to see a person like you making contributions to Google Maps !!

Also, I wanted to thank you for your hospitality during Polonnaruwa Blue Line Meetup, and most of all helping me get around Polonnaruwa city.

Best of luck !!