LGCB Map Editing Walk - Belgharia

This is time to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNECT

To celebrate Connect Birthday, a Map editing meet-up is arranged by WBLG Community. For WBLG community this meet-up no. is 49.

During the meetup we’ll check-

  1. Spam photos
  2. Spam videos
  3. Spam review
  4. Add the places to Google Map
  5. Also, we’ll take pictures and videos and add upload to the update section of Google Maps.
  • To join camera and a smartphone is needed for Map editing.


  1. All COVID-19 protocols will be followed during the meet-up
  2. Bring sanitizer and wear mask.
  3. Bring umbrella and water bottle due to sunny/rainy weather
  4. Any further information related to this meet-up will be notified here (comment section) and WBLG facebook group

:arrow_right: RSVPNOW

This meet-up is a part of Call for meet-up to Celebrate 5Th Birthday of Connect a Campaign by @Kashifmisidia and also I am tagging @AdrianLunsong.





Mark your calendar and meet you soon.

Till then stay safe.

Best regards,



Here is the recap post link of the meet-up.

:arrow_right: RECAP POST

Happy Guiding


Sounds good! Very impressive indeed @KalyanPal

Waiting for a nice recap.


দাদা,শুভেচ্ছা ও ভালোবাসা রইলো।


Thank you @KalyanPal for this map editing meetup at Belgharia. I am fond of your activities.

Will surely try to join if I can avail Local Train.

Till then stay safe and happy.

Take all the precautions during the meetup and stay safe.

Waiting for more from you.



Best wishes for your great meetup @KalyanPal

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Hello @KalyanPal bhai, Thats really a great initiative and Cause that you are going to do efforts to make Google Maps spam-free and useful for everyone. Kudos to you bro :crossed_fingers:

I updated this wonderful meetup announcement in Main post of LGC Birthday Celebration meet-ups Post.

Shukriya :pray:


Dear @KalyanPal

You’ve taken a great initiative to keep Google Maps spam free.

Good luck with the meetup.

Waiting to see a nice recap.

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Thank you for your nice comment :blush: @AbdullahAM

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Thank you @PritishB for you comment. Try to join and then will more fun with our activities.


অনেক ধন্যবাদ @Debroop দাদা ।

বক্তব্য: যখনই কানেক্ট ফোরামে কিছু লিখবেন ও আপনার বক্তব্যের পর “@” লিখে উক্ত লোকাল গাইডকে উল্লেখ করবেন ।

ভালো থাকবেন ।

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Thank you @NareshDarji for your comment.

Hi @KalyanPal

Congratulations my dear Brother! :heart_eyes: :tada:

Best wishes for your Meet ups! Looking forward to your Recaps too!

Stay safe and healthy always!! :hibiscus:

Have a nice day my friend! :sunflower:


Warm Greetings :rose: :heartpulse: from Chittagong city

Bangladesh. :bangladesh:

Pls click here to see my recent posts!!


Thank you @KashifMisidia ji for your inspirational comment and also, update this meet-up in the main post.

BTW, your initiative ( the way) for celebrating Connect Birthday is great. :+1:

@KalyanPal দাদা,ধন্যবাদ।

বিষয়টি ঠিক জানা ছিলো না আমার।

খড়গপুর থেকে ভালোবাসা রইল,ভালো থাকবেন।

Thank you @KamalHossenR for your nice comment.

Thank you so much dear @MAHBUB_HYDER dada for your valuable comment.

Stay safe!


I wish all the success of the meetup @KalyanPal

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Thank you @TravelerProdipta for you comment :blush:

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