Let's Visit My School Which is the Largest and Oldest Educational Institute in Jamalpur District

Hello, dear Local Guides!

I hope you’re safe and well. Recently, I have visited my school. The name of my school is Jamalpur Zilla School. Jamalpur Zilla School is the largest and oldest education institute among all the schools in Jamalpur district. I love my school very much. Now, I’m going to share some of the pictures of Jamalpur Zilla School with you. Let’s see the pictures!!!

Jamalpur Zilla School (JZS) was established in 1881. It stands on the southern bank of the old Brahmaputra river in a marvelous scenario – one side with natural beauty and other on with urban privilege. The school has a good reputation for its outstanding results of PEC, JSC and SSC examination that made it the best school in the Jamalpur. I passed my secondary education from this beautiful school.

@KatieMcBroom , @AngieYC , @Aruni , @KarenVChin , @ShafiulB , @PavelSarwar , @MBabul , @Shakkwar , @prince_aam

Hopefully, everyone will like my post and shots!

The link to Google Maps: Jamalpur Zilla School







@ShahMdSultan glad to know about yjis historical School. Thanks for tagging me here.

Happy Guiding!

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2007 থেকে 2011 সাল পর্যন্ত

জামালপুরে থাকাকালীন সময়ে়ে স্কুলেের

সামনে দিয়ে অনেক ঘুরে বেড়িয়েছি।

কিন্তুু বর্তমানে ব্যস্ততার কারণে সেদিকে যাওয়া হয়না।

জায়গাটা অনেক সুন্দর এবংং ভালো লাগার একটি জায়গা।ন

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@ShahMdSultan :grinning: Beautiful School and nice photo. Thanks for sharing with us.