Laughter medicine !!!

A day without laughter is a day wasted - Charlie Chaplin.

This is so true …Laughter clubs have sprung up in town. Morning at any garden you have morning walkers laughing away to start the day. Initially I was sceptical about joining in but now its a done thing. Just try it ,makes you feel lighter.

During the day you have the typical jester at work, giving you a good laugh. And in the evening there are the laughter clubs that definitely give you a great laugh. The new stand up comedy is a great way to just walk in alone and enjoy the event.

Bottom line …yes, laughter is a great way to enjoy your self. Leave those worries for those who revel in it. You smile and enjoy a good laugh. Happy are those who have a friend, spouse or partner, having a great sense of humour !!! No wonder now if you open any matrimonial website, the "sense of humour " requirement is a priority !!