Last year in goa I took this photo on morjim beach, I hope everyone likes it.❤️

Beautiful picture and lovely sunset :slight_smile:

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অসাধারণ দৃশ্য :heart::heart::heart: @tuhinsamanta1

It would be great if you could add a little bit about this place with photos and we would love to read your post too.
I would recommend you read this post. Sharing photos and videos on Connect? Read these guidelines

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@tuhinsamanta1, Hi Mate, this is a great photo! However, adding more details about the photo, its location, and the story behind it would make it more informative and engaging for Connect.

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অসাধারণ ছবি কিন্তু @NareshDarji দাদা এবং @MehediHasanTanvir ভাই এর সাথে আমিও বলতে চাই ছবির স্থানের সাথে আরোও কিছু তথ্য জুরে দিলে ভালো হত @tuhinsamanta1


@tuhinsamanta1 تحياتي لك ارجو لك النجاح.اشرح حول الصور والمكان استمر عمل رائع

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Prekrasna fotografija mora i zalaska sunca @tuhinsamanta1
Recite nam još nešto o tom prekrasnom mjestu.

@tuhinsamanta1 the photo looks great…i would like to know were the pic was taken at. And you should know that your post was not a question and you have wrongly Marked a comment as solution. I would hope you would check out this Post

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Wow stunning photo @tuhinsamanta1

Hi @tuhinsamanta1
Your photo is indeed beautiful, but totally useless in our community if you don’t provide additional information and a link to the place where you took it.
I want to inform you that I changed the category of your topic, as it fits better in Google Maps contribution stories - Local Guides Connect
I have also removed the solution from your post, because your post doesn’t require a solution

Your photo is missing from your post.