Kurth Kiln Heritage Photowalk

Kurth Kiln Heritage Photowalk

Kurth Kiln picnic area

Thornton Walk, Yellingbo VIC 3139, Australia

April 08, 2018 @ 10:00 (AEST)

Lets join in the fun at the picturesque historic Kurth Kiln site where there will be much to do, to see and hear, amongst other things: Historic and Heritage Events Vintage Cars Blacksmith demonstrating his art Historic and Heritage Machinery Displays Craft Stalls Environmental Displays Sheep Shearing Games & Face Painting for the Children Meet the Huskies and much more, including short and long bush walks for walking enthusiasts. Refreshments will be catered for by the Hoddles Creek Red Cross The Festival will be at the Kurth Kiln Picnic Ground in Kurth Kiln Regional Park, corner Beenak & Soldiers Roads, 7km north of Gembrook Free Entry and Parking The festival runs all day, but we’re going to walk the first two hours. You’re welcome to stay longer if you wish.

RSVP here