Koševsko Brdo, Sarajevo

In this time of lockup…

Let me introduce my former and now again neighborhood Koševsko Brdo, Sarajevo. I can see parts of it from my balcony

It is situated in municipality Centar, Sarajevo - the most, per square kilometre, populated municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. kind of a town in itself, built on once upon a time orchards, fields and on the brink of the remnants of a brickyard. it has an elementary school, a greengrocer, a mosque, parking garage, pharmacy, post office, five food markets, a playground, soup kitchen, a baker, coffee shop, kindergarten, Chinese Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, pizzeria, few bars…


one of so many graffiti

for those who can read language (or use google’s Translate) here is an excellent link that explains a bit the jist of Koševsko Brdo


this is how one of it main streets with houses looks like - if you walk up that street (and this is looking down) you will finish at Asim Ferhatović Stadium where 1984 Winter Olympics started.


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