Know How Beautiful Tanzania Is

Last week I had an amazing journey to the North of my country as I love exploring to show the world how beautiful my country with more than 200 native Bantu tribes live.

Therefore i had to make this post to show the world and give a little explanation of some of the tribes that reside in one of our National Parks.

I visited one of the national parks in Arusha region and basically this is one among the parks where by people and animal live in the same area.

basically four communities exist in this area namely, Maasai, WaArusha, WaMeru & WaChaga

The Mount Meru Area was formerly occupied by Maasai pastoralists before the end of XIX century and many of places names are of Maasai Origin.

The Meru are Bantu speaking people who migrated to Mt. Meru from Western Kilimanjaro and from the Usambara area in the XVII century.

The WaArusha people arrived in the area later than WaMeru. In 1830 they settled west of the present Arusha town, they absorbed Maasai speaking people into their tribe and became Maasai speakers themselves.

WaChaga, they are Bantu speakers who started recently to migrate to Mt. Meru from the neighbouring Mt. Kilimanjaro

#localguide #letsguide #googlemaps #localguidesconnect #Tanzania


Nice i see Kandes

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Hahaha where are you from brother?

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Temeke Dar es Salaam ig @ufufuu


Aaaah safi Sana mkuu, vipi umesha apply???

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ndo namalizia michakato kesho ntamalizia na video then nta apply

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Good luck bro

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Thanks for sharing @jonesndekia !!!

That elephant looks so real! The view of Mount Meru looks amazing as well! :slight_smile:


@Shirley thank you, I appreciate


Hi @jonesndekia

Beautiful post and photos. Must try Kiombo someday. Best wishes.


you are very much welcome @Gautamda

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My experience in #arusha kilimanjaro and mount meru was epic I’m looking forward to another visit my holiday was wow.


Hi @jonesndekia ,

Thank you for sharing these interesting facts about the tribes in Tanzania. It’s so nice to hear that they are places where people and animal live as a hole. I find this fascinating and I hope that one day we can all live in harmony with the animal kingdom.

By the way, the elephant really looks like it is real. Do you know who made it and what material did they use? I could swear that this is a living and breathing animal. :slight_smile:

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@Odoh welcome again brother

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@KlaudiyaG thanks for your response, trust me i also thought it was a real thing but I had to question myself when I found out it was not moving, too bad I didn’t get the info on how it was made.

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