I have seen a lot of Accessibility features, toilets facilities and LGBT friendly posts on Connect but posts on highlighting 'Kid-friendly Amenities are few.
As a mother of a toddler i always check if a place is Kid-friendly keeping my daughter in mind!
Like me she loves to travel and i take her wherever i go so for me ensuring if a place is Kid-friendly is very important.
Why Kid-Friendly Amenities Matter?
When choosing a restaurant, hotel, mall, or public space, kid-friendly amenities matters, Spaces designed with children in mind create a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for both kids and parents.
Here’s what you can check to ensure if a place is Kid-friendly:
â—Ź High Chairs
â—Ź Safety rails
â—Ź Stroller Accessibility
â—Ź Kid-friendly bathroom (with lower sinks)
â—Ź Baby care stations
● Kids’ menu
â—Ź And lastly, Play area to keep your little one entertained.
Here are some Kid-friendly places i have been to :
Ahmedia Restaurant, Tamilnadu
(They have high chairs, baby care room, kid-friendly bathroom, kid-friendly menu and a play area.)
Al taj Restaurant,Tamilnadu
(They have high chairs, kid-friendly menu and lower sink)
Chennai international airport
(They have baby care and play area)
Elements mall,Bengaluru
(They have baby care room)
And there are so many more Kid-friendly places i have a separate saved list for it.
Kids rely on us so it’s our responsibility to safeguard their comfort.
Thank you for reading my post.