Indonesian Recipe: Galangal Fried Chicken from Padang

Good morning to all my fellow local guides!

Hoping that you are all doing well. Just want to share with you guys an interesting dish that is very local and probably not found in many parts of the world. Here we call it Galangal Fried Chicken and it originates from Padang, a city that is on the sumatra island of Indonesia. Galangal (or lengkuas as we locally call it) is a spice that is also known as Thai or Siamese ginger and is a close cousin of the common ginger. It is a root plant and gives off a refreshing taste similar to those above. Above all, it is rich in antioxidant and possesses anti inflammatory. This is a common spice used especially in South East Asia cooking and is commonly found in Thai, Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian cooking.

Today we pair it with chicken and you will find that it actually comes off pretty well! The taste is not too strong and helps accentuate the chicken’s flavour. We used the frying method because its a very popular local way of cooking. Indonesians love frying their food so for those who are more health conscious, you might want to consider cooking this in just a smaller portion.

Food Story / Cerita Makanan:

Lengkuas (also known as Galangal) is a plant native to Indonesia and is used traditionally for medicine and herbs and is considered superior to ginger. Possessing a sharp spicy peppery taste, this chicken dish can be considered to be one filled with beneficial spice that gives people a taste of what Indonesia can offer. Really suitable to be eaten for lunch or dinner as accompaniment to rice. Please enjoy this dish.

Bahan-bahan (Ingredients):

  1. Paha Ayam Boneless (Boneless Chicken Thigh Fillet) @ 500 gr

  2. Telur Ayam (Chicken Eggs) @ 3 siung (3pcs)

  3. Lengkuas (Galangal) @ 2 siung (2 pcs)

  4. Serai (Lemongrass) @ 1 batang (1pcs)

  5. Daun Salam (Bay Leaves) @ 7 lembar (7 pcs)

  6. Dau Jeruk (Orange Leaves) @ 3 lembar (3 pcs)

  7. Air (Clean Water) @ 200ml

:sunglasses: Bawang Putih (Garlic clove) @ 5 siung (5 pcs)

  1. Jahe (Ginger) @ 1 siung (1 pcs about 20gr)

  2. Kunyit (Turmeric) @ 1 siung (1 pcs about 11gr)

  3. Kemiri (Candlenut) @ 4 pcs

  4. Bubuk Lada (Ground Pepper Powder) @ 1/2 sdt (1/2 tsp)

  5. Ketumbar (Coriander Seasoning) @ 1/2 sdt (1/2 tsp)

  6. Garam (Table Salt) @ 1/2 sdt (1/2tsp)

  7. Minyak Goreng (Cooking Oil) @ 250ml Cooking instructions / Cara memasak:

~ Haluskan dengan blender 5 siung bawang putih, 1 siung kunyit, 1/2 sdt ketumbar, 4 pcs kemiri (Blend with 5 cloves of garlic, 1 clove of turmeric (1 pcs about 11gr), 1/2 teaspoon coriander, 4 pcs of candlenut. Ensure that they are finely blended)

~ Blender kasar 300 gr lengkuas, 4 pcs daun jeruk, 7 pcs daun salam & 1 batang serai (Blend the follwing together: 300 gr galangal, 4 pcs orange leaves, 7 pcs bay leaves & 1 lemongrass stems. Make sure you do not blend it too fine.)

~ Campurkan kedua bumbu halus & kasar tersebut dan aduk sampai rata (Mix the coarse and fine mixture together and stir until its mixed well.)

~ Masukan 500 gr Paha Ayam Boneless kedalam bumbu, tambahkan 200 ml air dan ½ sdt lada lalu kukus selama 10-15 menit (Add 500 gr Boneless Chicken Legs to the seasoning, add 200 ml of water and ½ teaspoon pepper and steam for 10-15 minutes)

~ Panaskan 250 ml minyak goreng (preheat 250 ml of cooking oil)

~ Masukan ayam yang sudah di kukus tersebut sampai warna kecoklatan dan tiriskan (Add and cook the steamed chicken until it is brown in colour and drain it)

~ Masakan sudah siap untuk disajikan (The dish is ready to be served)

Please leave any comments you wish to let us know what you think. Do try the recipe and if there are improvements, leave a comment too!

Thank you all, stay safe and healthy always.



Very tasty!

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Thank you for the very kind comment