Hi @lais18 ,
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! I remember being in Recife a long time ago. It was so amazing and all the beaches were like paradise. I really liked this place and everyone was very friendly. Do you live in Recife also? Is this your favorite beach? Tell us more about it.
By the way, I’ve moved this to Travel as it’s more fitting there. Thanks!
@DanniS Hello! Oh! yes, we have paradisiacs beaches, I agree with you. When did you stay here? I live in Recife.
Well, actually I didn’t know this beach… It’s only opened to the turism just a few years ago. It was my first time at the place. It’s a private Island. There is a propietary but anybody lives there. But… near Recife one of my favourite beach is Carneiros, althoug I love many other beaches in my State, Pernambuco, and also in neighboring States.
Best wishes.
Oi @lais18 , muito obrigado por compartilhar. Vou a Recife em junho e vou tentar fazer esse passeio.
Que bom, @AlexandreCampbell , em fui pela Maratur. Em geral, vou por conta própria, mas dessa vez, decidi ir com uma agência de turismo, para não ter nenhum trabalho… minha irmã escolheu aleatoriamente a Maratur. Cumpriram o que prometeram. Quando vier, se quiser, podemos marcar um café na beira do rio Capibaribe… e se precisar de alguma informação, estarei à disposição. Abraço.