Hola comunidad!
Quiero presentarles esta bonita iglesia construida cerca de 1940, pero abandonada desde 1990 debido a un terremoto y que por inestabilidad en el terreno no puede ser restaurada. La iglesia está ubicada en Santiago de Puriscal, cantón de la provincia San José, capital de Costa Rica, lugar reconocido por vender ricos chicharrones, aunque por estos días todos los restaurantes están cerrados por medidas sanitarias. El pasado sábado 18 de julio salí desde mi casa en Heredia y recorrí en bicicleta más de 90km para visitar este lugar, una de las iglesias más bonitas de Costa Rica y declarado patrimonio histórico.
Noten en la foto a la persona caminando en la acera con mascarilla, es de uso obligatorio en lugares públicos, buses, paradas, etc. una medida obligatoria impartida por el gobierno para combatir la pandemia del covid-19. El distanciamiento social también es notorio en la ciudad.
Dígame si les gustó o si tienen preguntas y pronto estaré compartiendo con ustedes más lugares bonitos de Costa Rica y que visito en bicicleta.
Pura vida!
It is amazing how quickly nature takes what is rightfully hers @estorresj7 this church will be gone soon, drawn back into the earth.
Very interesting story indeed, @estorresj7 . Thank for sharing it with the community. It’s a pity that there’s not a way to restore the church back to its original state. I guess that’s the circle of life, nothing lasts forever.
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Hola @PaulPavlinovich !
Sí, de hecho ese será su destino, ya que por haber sido declarada patrimonio histórico tampoco puede ser demolida.
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Me alegra que te interesara la historia @KlaudiyaG .
Será interesante también cómo con el paso del tiempo vaya cambiando esta iglesia por su abandono, espero poder seguir compatiendo con ustedes. Saludos.
More historic buildings are lost that way. Too expensive to fix too historic not to. This means they just sit forever @estorresj7 until they vanish.
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Unfortunately that’s true, @PaulPavlinovich . On the positive side, old historic sites come out great in photos. Am I right? I don’t know why, but it’s like they have a story or more like a character that newer buildings don’t really possess. That’s how I see and feel it. You are the professional, so I would love to hear what you think.
They are fantastic to explore too @KlaudiyaG going through an abandoned beautiful structure is always pretty good. here is one I explored recently before going back into lockdown.
That’s super cool, @PaulPavlinovich . I know that it is a church, but it seems like the perfect spot for a photo shoot.
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It would be, it is being developed into apartments now @KlaudiyaG
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That’s interesting. It’s great that the building won’t be left to rotten, but it’s kind of strange to live in what used to be a church.
There’s a building which is almost demolished 5km from where I live and every time that I pass by it I think that it could become a wonderful dance studio. Next time I go by it, I’ll take a photo to show it to you, @PaulPavlinovich , if you like to see it?
Absolutely yes @KlaudiyaG I love abandoned buildings! Be safe though lots of them are pretty unsafe even when you’re outside in the public space bits fall off them sometimes.