I Have Written 490 Articles

Saya telah menulis 490 artikel. Kurang 10 artikel lagi untuk mendapatkan badge MASTER WRITTER. Demikian panjang waktu yang kubutuhkan untuk menulis 490 artikel. Cukup menyita waktu dan perhatian saya. Saya sadar walaupun lambat pasti saya akan mencapai 500 tulisan tapi semangat saya untuk menjadi TERDEPAN tidak mau terlalu lama mencapainya. I have written 490 articles. There are less than 10 articles left to get the MASTER WRITTER badge. That’s how long it took me to write 490 articles. It just takes up my time and attention. I realized that even though slowly I would definitely reach 500 posts, but my enthusiasm to be FOUNDER didn’t want to achieve it too long.

Badge penulis =

NEW WRITTER saya dapatkan tanggal 9 September 2018

BUDDING WRITTER saya dapatkan tanggal 15 Mei 2020 (1 tahun 5 bulan)

ZIPPY WRITTER (100 tulisan) saya dapatkan tanggal 14 Juni 2020 (1 bulan)

INFLENTIAL WRITTER (250 tulisan) saya dapatkan pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2020 (2 bulan)

Jika saya dapat badge MASTER WRITER maka itu artinya saya dapatkan selama 6 bulan.


thank you @Asoka

thank you @OSAMA for your attention

Hi @Wisnusetiono I have removed one of the images from this post to protect your privacy because it had your email address visible in it. You’re welcome to edit the image to remove your email and upload it again and edit it into your post.


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its ok thank you @PaulPavlinovich

Congratulations @Wisnusetiono You are really doing great here. I love to read all your posts, though I could not make comments on all your posts always, but I love them very much to read. Keep this great work up. Stay safe. Regards.

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sounds good! beast of luck for the 500! @Wisnusetiono

keep contributing

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thank you very much @MukulR . Even though, for example, I have written 500 posts, don’t worry I will still write up to 1,000 posts

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thank you @AbdullahAM , Even though, for example, I have written 500 posts, don’t worry I will still write up to 1,000 posts

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thank you @DehnW

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thank you @Arati

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