I can not change my phone number in google maps

'm not happy because google doesn’t pay attention to my reasonable changes according to my reasons
here is my business on google maps:
as you see the phone number is [REDACTED]

but this is my phone number and i’ve sold this website about 6 months ago
now if you navigate to https://tehransuite.com/contact-us you will see the new phone number which is [REDACTED]
i have used “suggest an edit” for 100 time but each time i face this message : “google cant approve my changes”
i tried to send messages to “Google My Business” but they didn’t answer me in a proper way.
what should i do now? I really hate my country because Google My Business is not available here.
what should i do? how can i remove my phone number and place the new one after 6 month? does it make sense to you?


Hello @kavianiiran ,

I have just released your post from the spam filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.

You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?.

I’d like to inform you that your personal information was removed from this post.

Please note that for all business related activities, it would be best if you reach out to the Google My Business Help Forum. You can also use their Twitter and Facebook pages to reach out.

If you are not familiar with what Google My Business is and you want to learn more about this program, feel free to check their official page.

Keep in mind that you must participate in the Local Guides program as an individual and not as a business. Please see our Local Guides Program Rules.