How to use lists on Google Maps to make life easier

Creating lists on Google Maps can provide so much value in so many ways. Whether you like to create broad lists with all of your favorites in one place or make several super specific ones, creating lists is a great way to keep yourself organized. Read on for some ideas for how to use lists to make life a bit easier.

Plan travel itineraries

Many people tend to research places on Google Maps, but do you plan out all of your stops on one list? This is a great way to figure out the order to visit each place based on distance. You can also keep track of what you did to easily remember when it comes time to review the new places you’ve experienced.

Organize your personal bucket list

Love daydreaming about all of the places you want to travel in life? Sometimes, it’s not always feasible to book trips in the near future, but it is possible to list out ideas for where you want to go later on. This can also serve as motivation to save up for certain trips by giving you something to look forward to.

Share travel recommendations with friends

When people come to visit an area where you live or where you’ve traveled before, chances are, they’re going to ask for your recommendations on where to eat and what to do. Instead of taking the time to write out your favorite places every time, you can have a curated list ready to send them without having to lift a finger.

Make dining decisions easier

From special occasions to everyday dining, it’s sometimes a struggle to figure out where you want to each. You can create a date night dining list to share with your significant other, or a brunch bucket list of places to check out with your friends on the weekend. This will make selecting a place much easier if you already have the ideas on hand.

Share your experience wish list

Many people want experiences instead of gifts for birthdays and holidays. Why not create a list of places you want to go to share with your loved ones? Your friends and family will thank you because this will make surprising you with a trip, meal, or other experience that much easier.

How do you use the list feature on Google Maps to make your life easier? Do you have any additional tips for your fellow Local Guides? Share in the comments below.


Hey @KatieMcBroom , great post. I’m using Lists (both public and privates) to organize some places that I want to visit or eat, and I have a lot of ideas to create news lists to share with my friends. I also like to follow some friends lists and I’d like to tag @GiulianoOrlando , who has created amazing lists in São Paulo.

Best regards!


@KatieMcBroom the fact is that the lists are very helpful for example to find where are the spots for people that suffers food allergy.

I have make a list with secure Gluten Free places in my city to help to easy find that kind of sites.


I encourage to the fellow Local Guides to make their own Gluten Free list to help tourists and foreign people .

Best Wishes!


@KatieMcBroom Thanks for the post. It’s a lifesaver tool.
I’ve done many lists in My city.


When I read some travel b/ food blog if I find out something interesting then must be put in my map list. Because it’s helped me to future make a plan where I want to go or where I want to arrange meetup @KatieMcBroom


@KatieMcBroom excellent post. this post will be helped all local guide. thanks for share with us


Thanks @KatieMcBroom

Very good ideas to create lists. This is one of my lists on Google Maps about Best Shopping Centers of Tehran.


@KatieMcBroom thanks for the good inputs and ideas. I depend on saved lists daily.


Thank you so much for the useful information!


@KatieMcBroom Another great post. I love Google Maps lists. I have several List, tourist attractions, Hospitals, Kidsfriendly zone and specillay for acceissible places.

These list help me as well as others maps users for their best selection I think…

Keep Inspiring!!

Happy Guiding!


@KatieMcBroom I recently ran into a a very unfortunate predicament when selecting and rearranging photos on my newly published list.

First, I created the list using my iPhone but due to features currently available only to Android users, ie. photo selection, I used my Android device to manipulate list order, photo selection, etc. I saw, what I thought, was a pretty neat feature that allowed me to select a “Theme”. Below is a screenshot of the list in which I am having the issue titled “Offering military discounts” prior to making the changes:

After making some minor changes, below is what my list currently looks like with an amended (and intended) title of “Great Discounts: Colorado Springs”:

While I like the new title, the picture of the airplane I do not. When I was experimenting with the “Theme” feature on my Android device, I selected the photo of the airplane to see what affect it would have and now I cannot make any changes to the featured photo, to include removal, of that particular list at all using my Android device. Please help.


Hey, dear @KatieMcBroom

Thank you for your awesome idea. I have never tried with the list as you mention or anything else! That’s really a wonderful part to do help the peoples or friends in short fingertips. Amazing obviously.

Have a great day!


@KatieMcBroom thanks and good post on lists. i always use this feature when i go somewhere

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Hi @KatieMcBroom List is a new feature. Before making list we use map to search food, place and other places. But it was spoil our time, now it is easy to search to find the better/best places at a glance. I make list and use sometimes other localguides lists.


Very good suggestions!!! I’m using them to also remember where we’ve traveled. I hadn’t thought about using them to share ideas with others.


Thanks @KatieMcBroom for starting the discussion page on the lists. And very nice meeting you and your colleagues in Sunnyvale!

I wanted to give some feedback on my experiences making public lists until now. In quick summary - My earlier lists are appearing as Featured Lists for cities such as Amsterdam and Utrecht in the Netherlands. But later lists which I made do not appear. Instead for some cities, such as Noordwijk, other lists appear that are less relevant. e.g. because they pertain to a different city.

In more detail: in the beginning I made three lists for Amsterdam and Utrecht with the following links:

Amsterdam Quality Budget Hotels

Amsterdam Luxury Hotels

Cool Places in Sizzling Utrecht

And these are actually showing up as Featured Lists or under City Guides, see screenshot:

So far so good! So next I made two more public lists, the following:

Amsterdam Fine Dining

Noordwijk Beach Clubs

and guess what? These two do NOT show up under Amsterdam respectively Noordwijk at all although they are highly relevant (in my humble opinion).

For Amsterdam this could perhaps be explained from the fact that there are already quite a few lists (mostly generated by Google, not by Local Guides though).

But for Noordwijk other lists show up which do not even pertain to the town of Noordwijk - not even close!

So before I start making lots of other public lists, I wonder - what am I doing wrong here? Why are my lists not selected to be shown even though they are very applicable?

Would be great to get some feedback on this!

Cheers & Season’s Greetings,

Hermes van Amstel (a.k.a. Gertjan Ouwerling)


A tip suggestion for lists would to have a nest where certain lists can be filled under. I have a huge number of public and private lists which make it difficult to easily find something. Another tip would be to have them placed in alphabetical order. Thanks for listening and keep up the fantastic work!


@KatieMcBroom yes you are right it helps a lot to organize a trip and to guide your loved ones where you should go where to eat where to live So far I have created 20 + lists for sightseeing area wise

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All very useful tips @KatieMcBroom .

The ways I use lists are as follows.


write a community newsletter and when I discuss places in it, I also add a link of the places on Google Maps using a List.

I club similar places and make lists which I share with people having queries about such places.

I use Lists to guide people in our township to places that the need to go, shop, see etc.


Thanks @KatieMcBroom . I’ve published a three lists, one of them for poor and simple people in my country to easy find a cheep and traditional food like a small plates.


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