How to report that a place is temporarily closed down?

In the middle of the Coronavirus crisis, I was wondering how to continue contributing and I saw on google maps that a lot of places are still marked as open! But that is not the case as I saw on the shops and restaurants that they are closed until April 3rd.

How can I mark this for some places and how can mark others that a takeaway is possible?



Hi @Ivan_KarabalievSME

Local Guides can’t report a place as temporary closed. We can only flag a place as "closed’

BTW, Google My Business already invited the business to update their opening times or to change the status to “temporary closed”. Here’s the message:


Hi @Ivan_KarabalievSME ,

Thanks for your question.

I’ve just accepted @ErmesT 's answer as solution to it. Please feel free to check it. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers on specific questions or issues when searching on the Connect. You can take a look at: How do I mark comments as solutions.

I think local guides of a certain level should be able to do this if the business owner hasn’t signed up to manage their listing or just hasn’t done it. I’ve noticed a lot of local gyms or businesses in my area haven’t set their status to temporarily closed or they changed their normal hours to either closed or only open for 1 minute during the day. Maybe if a local guide submits for a place to be temporarily closed it can send an email to the person who manages the business?

A Local Guide Level is not a guarantee @MattBDev .

I see from your profile that you have a lot of approved edits, and just a few photos. Congratulation

BTW, there are Local Guides that have the same points with a lot of photos and just a few edits, or no one. The value of they contribution still great, but not necessary a badge can make you trusted.

I still thinking that, if there is not a business owner, in an emergency situation GMB should do this, not the Local Guides. The crisis will end, and the status will have to be reverted back to normal. What if you forger to change the status back. We are volunteer, we can forget to do that, and the Business will remain close. I do not want to do that