How to manually add a place to your Location history / Google Maps timeline

So what if you went to a place long time ago, you want to write a recommendation but it doesn’t appear in your Google Maps timeline? I consider it is important for our timeline to be a proof of those places we are recommending. I mean, it’s good to know that you where there for fact and you know what you are talking about, right? Maybe I’m just a bit nerdy-obsessed on the subject, maybe you agree with me and would like to make those extra addings to your timeline.

So how to do it? Here it’s an example with my University, of course I was there on the day I my graduation although apparently back then the Google timeline didn’t exist. Btw, my native language is Spanish, I hope you still can follow/understand in your own language. So first, I go to the timeline and choose the date:

Then it showed me this:

Then I will have to choose the stimated time (date/hour) I was there. It tends to assume by default you were there since the previous day but you can change that:

And now this is the result:

I hope you like this post and find it useful, specially when it comes to make your lists with those places you are recommending.


Hi @Caro930

Are you aware that you don’t need a place to be on your time line to be able to review it?

Just find the place on Google Maps and you can add a review directly.


Hi, @MortenCopenhagen maybe you didn’t understand my point. It is not to recommend a place through your timeline but to prove with it that you actually were there. Just saying, maybe silly, maybe useful but still good to know.

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Sorry about my misunderstanding, @Caro930 .

But who are trying to prove your visit to? You already know you have been there. So it can’t be yourself. And others can’t see your time line.

Never mind. Thanks for taking the time to write and share this tutorial.

All the best


Hum… @MortenCopenhagen can’t others just be Local Guide staff? that’s the idea to me, just trying to be as nerd/judicious as possible. I don’t know well it’s just that I had done my list and after submitting my application I realized that one of the places I had visitted long time ago wasn’t on my timeline. So I added it manually and after doing that the list went from “you have visitted 3/6 places” to 0/6. So while I was wondering how to fix this and posted the cuestion on the thread related to how-to make a list, @sonnyNg (Google Moderator) aasked me to elaborate a bit how had I done it, therefore this post since for some reason I wasn’t able to upload photos on my reply to him on that thread.


Hi @Caro930

Now I can understand your reasoning.

There is a much easier way to fix that. On the list you have the option to tap a check mark to toggle if you have been to a place. It takes a split second.

But again it is only you who can see how many of the places on your list you have been to.

But if other local guides for some other reasons want to change if they have been to a place on their time line, then your tip can be useful. So please leave it online.

You certainly did a kind thing by sharing your experience with everyone. Thanks.


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Hello again @Caro930

Now, I have looked all over to find that check box to no avail.

Maybe @sonnyNg would be so kind to check if I have made any mistakes while advising you on this.


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Hi everyone,

Thank you kindly for taking your time to explore information! : ]

Much appreciated from @Caro930 for taking time to explain in detail following up the previous post!

It is indeed a scenario that @MortenCopenhagen described, when Local Guides could make good use of the Google Maps Timeline. (as any changes there would be private and users may choose to share any details by choice)

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Hi @sonnyNg

Thanks, but would you kindly help pointing out where the check box is to quickly indicate the “I have visited this place” is located? I remember, but not on which platform and where. Thanks.


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Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

Thanks for pointing out!

I do believe if you open to one of your created lists, by checking on each locations, you may also go to the settings and check if the place has been visited before.

Much appreciated also from @reenajha007 for sharing the steps as well previously as the topic was previously being mentioned with @Caro930 .


Thanks a million, @sonnyNg

Finally I found it. On Android go to the list. And before you start Edit there are 3-dot menu icons on each place on your list.

Tap that one and toggle I have been here / I haven’t been here. That is definitely a lot quicker than manipulating your time line.

I hope this is helpful to you, @Caro930

So I thought it was a checkbox when indeed it was on a menu. Sorry about that.


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