How to host a virtual meet-up - a few tips from me :)

You’ve probably noticed I’ve held and dropped in on rather a few virtual meet-ups since the world changed. They’re all so different, but the good ones also have some elements in common. I love seeing so many people having a go at running them and I thought I might add some thoughts on the lessons I’ve learned that might be helpful to someone getting going.

You can see my current series of 10 photography workshop meet-ups.

Tip one: The internet is unpredictable - even though I’m on an awesome broadband connection here at home, I have experienced drops from Meets. Have another Local Guide in your meet-up ready to take over when you drop out to keep momentum, I learned this the hard way and was fortunate that @MaxPlusFood was in the meet-up and he did a little song and dance number. In a recent event good mate @AnandaSim jumped in when my browser crashed so badly I had to reboot.

Tip two: Don’t think like your work from home meetings, those people have to be there, Local Guides need to be entertained. Do a meet-up on something that you’re passionate about such as @JustineE chocolate meet-up or @KarenVChin and the tea meet-up. If you’re passionate then that will come across on the day and your attendees will have a good chance of enjoying themselves. This is where successful meet-ups come from.

Tip three: don’t get lost, have a bit of a story - you probably don’t need to go as far as I or @AdrianLunsong do and think of it as a production exercise but you do need a story - a beginning, a middle and an end - publish the program or topics in advance and try to stick to them. Do prepare for the meet-up and think about how you’ll run things and keep any notes, photos, props or whatever you need with you.

Tip four: it’s your meet-up run it how you want to - don’t let your attendees take over unless that’s the kind of meet-up that you want - polite but firm - keep things moving. It is worth setting some rules for your attendees - try to word them as guidelines but use them as rules. Don’t be afraid to call out bad behaviour or boot someone out if they’re disruptive or not complying with the Core Values of being a Local Guide.

Tip five: light and sound - try to do your best to make sure you’ve got good light before you start and think about your sound - a head set is going to work best if you don’t have access to a dedicated microphone.

Tip six: fail fast - what do I mean? If it’s not working either kill it before it dies its own horrible death or rework it on the fly to see if you can make it fly.

That’s about it - keep it simple and enjoy it.



Great tips, @PaulPavlinovich

I love how you’ve mentioned that the Meet Up should be entertaining since it’s not the meet up for our works or daily jobs.

Thanks for sharing :smiling_face::smiling_face:


Great tips Paul.

Can’t wait till your next Virtual Meet-up!


Hope you find them useful @iorikun301


Thanks for being you @MaxPlusFood :slightly_smiling_face:


Great advice @PaulPavlinovich . And thanks for the shout out. If this is the first meetup you are hosting, I would also suggest inviting some LG friends who you know will turn up and support you on the day. This really helped boost my confidence.


Oh that is a good thing to do for all meet-ups @JustineE always pad them out with some friends, not only will you have some like minded people with you for support, other people coming to the meet-up will see that it already has a degree of popularity and join in. I can imagine people coming a physical meet-up and hanging back because they see a person by themselves at the meet point and they don’t want to be first to arrive. There could be two or three people doing this waiting for someone else to make the first move.


Great tips @PaulPavlinovich !

I would like to add that we should also try to organise meet-ups that are related to Local Guides activities. The easiest way to think about it is that we already have topics on Connect (Travel, Local Stories, Photography, Food & Drink, How-tos) that we can use to help guide the virtual meet-ups that you’re looking to host.

Have a look at the meet-up page to see what others are hosting and maybe there’s a topic that nobody has talked about that you’re passionate for and happy to do a meet-up about it.

And give people enough time to sign-up for your meet-up! That will give you time too to promote your meet-up and get people to join in on the fun!


Hi, @PaulPavlinovich

Thank you for sharing nice tips! I’ll share this post with my friends;-)


Tips are just great as you are @PaulPavlinovich I am planning to host one next month and I have started taking preparation from today. I practiced today how to use Google Meet for hosting a meet-up, I will give a second try tomorrow :grinning: :grinning: . Thanks a lot for sharing this important post. Regards.


Thank you so much for sharing this great tips @PaulPavlinovich


it is really great tips.

Implementation of tips will be definitely play great role.

Thanks for sharing.

I love it


@PaulPavlinovich These recommendations are very successful and very pertinent, thanks for sharing them; the workshops have been very enjoyable and successful!


Hi Pauly @PaulPavlinovich Thank you for your insight. I may do a meetup at some stage :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the useful tips @PaulPavlinovich . I will keep that in my mind on my future Meetups


Thanks @PaulPavlinovich . Great point you make. Also, is the Local Guides in Melbourne icon new? I love it. Can I get one with a sun at the top for Local Guides in Cairns?


Very true @AdrianLunsong if its not suitable for Connect then its probably not something that Connect people would join in on.

Thanks @HiroyukiTakisawa

Practice is very important @MukulR so I’m really happy you’re doing that. Get to know your tools.

Happy to help @NareshDarji

Thanks @AshokPatel


Glad you are enjoying them @Robert24

Go for it @OliverKIWI you’re a natural showman!

Great @ShakilAK

I made it a while ago @JustineE yep I’m sure I can manage that. Remind me when its not workshop night!



Hi @PaulPavlinovich

Just I was about to apply I came across your post. This is a blessing in disguise. Just read twice your post and will read again to have my meetup successful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


You meet-up will be great @Gurukrishnapriya