How to find nearby events - Meet ups

Hello Everyone,

Jinaprasad from Bangalore.

Recently I entered this platform and I’m finding it little difficult to identify events, programs or meet ups that are happening in and around Bangalore (My location).

Can someone take few minutes of your time and help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance.



Dear @Jinaprasad

You can always check this link to see all the meetups near/around your city.

You can always refer to @AriMar 's great post on Hosting a Successful Meetup, if you wish to organize/host one.

I hope that helps

Happy Guiding


Hi @Jinaprasad ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thanks @OmerAli for posting that link!

I’d like to add, If you want to find fellow Local Guides from your area, try searching the community for mentions of your city/region to find posts with that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into these conversations and engage with the Local Guides near you.

You also have the option to share your meet-up via your social channels. :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S. I will move this to Meet-ups, so you can browse the meet-ups on Connect.


Hi @Jinaprasad welcome to Connect. In addition to the advice you’ve had there are quite active WhatsApp and Telegram groups for India. They’re not exactly encouraged but they fill a gap that isn’t as well provided by Connect at this time.

Being able to find things near you is one of the big asks from Connect Live this year so lets see what cool things the Googlers come up with.



@OmerAli thanks brother.

It’s a great info.

@AlexaAC Thank you so much

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Hi @PaulPavlinovich thanks I’ll definitely search for those groups and try to join that’ll actually help me to connect with like minded people.

I request you to help me if you’ve any idea of it.

Hi @Jinaprasad ,

When searching for Meet-Ups in your city you are almost sure to find nothing. It would be amazing if at least the nearest Meet-Ups were shown.

Also when nothing shows up you can’t know if future Meet-Ups will be shown. I tested that and can confirm that if there are any future events in your city they will be shown.

All the best


PS: great to know that this got pushed at Connect Live, @PaulPavlinovich .

Hlo is there any meet up in Ahmedabad iam excited to attend the meet up is there there any meet up

Hi @Tarunpurohit ,

Thanks for asking!

I’d like to let you know, I’ve moved your post to the How to find nearby events - Meet ups thread, and you can find the needed information in the comments.