Who will provide/snap these kind of street view …This is a village no road facility. How the people do this street view. Any Google Map team can do this captures ? Every where showing same vehicle .
Hello @Prathapreddy123
Could you please share a link to this place on Google maps? That might help us to understand more what you are trying to say and we can reply you accordingly. Thank you
I have attached image . I am asking about attached image . Who will upload this kind of street views?
Do you need help sharing the relevant Maps link?
Then please see this post for help: MAPS links.
If someone uploaded a screenshot, then you can and should flag it. If you share the link as suggested by @SholaIB we might be able to help you better.
Hi @Prathapreddy123 ,
Thank you for reaching out. Please note that I moved your post to the How-tos board. Here, you can swap advice with other Local Guides and share how to create helpful contributions on Google Maps and Connect.
Thanks for the Maps link, @Prathapreddy123
I currently see no photos added to this pin. Maybe you successfully removed it.
I believe this could be a place that you added since you are the only one who added a review.
From looking at the street view there is nothing to be found there. Please share some info on why you think this place is relevant to have on Google Maps.
It looks like the street view images were recorded by Google in March of 2022.
Please elaborate on your issue.
Hi @Prathapreddy123 I don’t understand very well what you are asking, but I will answer this:
Street View roads imagery can be uploaded by anyone with a 360 camera, I have contributed with some kilometers myself , you just have to record a video with the GPS on (so you can have the exact location) and then upload it to Street View Studio. You can find more info here: Introducing Street View Studio for 360 photographers
Google is continously capturing Street View imgery with cars, bikes and even camels, most of the time they’re blurred, in the screenshot you shared the vehicle is visible maybe because Google hired local photographers that placed the camera too close to the vehicle and the blur just doesn’t cover it entirely. Here’s more info about how SV works
Hope it helps
Haha…Thanks man for the clarification . Now I got the answer
No, I didn’t change anything
Happy to see you got the relevant answer.
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