How does Google Maps know if a new flyover is built?

How does Google Maps know newly made flyover in the city? And I have also seen some of the old flyovers they not recognized by google maps they just look like regular roads in google maps. So my question is, How Google Maps know there is a flyover?

Or there is any way we can help google maps to find a new flyover?
Thanks for reading my post.


Hello @Dipesh_deem

Currently, local guides cannot add flyover. But we can send feedback to Maps team so they can take action. Know how to send feedback, Steps to send us feedback


Hi @Dipesh_deem ,

Thanks so much for reaching out and sharing your question to us.

There are certain places you cannot edit on Google Maps, but what you can do is to send us feedback and report the flyovers as missing roads.

Thank you very much for the provided support here @SaifIS !