How Do you Feel Helping Local Taxi Drivers Navigate Their Ways Round Town?

If You are from around my city, you might be happier helping some little taxi folks out really.

Despite the fact that Abuja is a planned city, not all the roads are marked, paved or done.

Many taxi drivers find it quite hard to locate places or find their ways around town sometimes. For instance, Mabushi Village (an Urban Slum within the Abuja Metropolis) sits comfortably on a link road. My house is on the other side of the urban slu

m and whenever I order a taxi on the App, a first timer driver in Mabushi will get stuck to the other side of the Slum because the App is telling him my house is just 3 minutes away while in the real sense, the taxi has to do a 180 degree drive around for about 17 minutes to get to my house.

This is a usual challenge and I am always happy to teach these drivers how to use Google Map efficiently.

While at the mechanic place a few weeks back, I spend about 30 minutes talking with a group of drivers on how to use the Google Map. Even though I love doing many things as a Local Guide, I think helping people in my community to get around easily using the Google Map will top my local guide activity any day.

One day very soon, I hope to host a Local Guide meeting where all the participants will be Taxi drivers who want to learn how to improve on their navigation through the Google Map