How do I delete my local guides account?

Can someone please help me delete my local guides account. After years of using it, i still find it confusing to use aand user unfriendly. Even deleting my account seems impossible. No help pages, nothing in settings and nothing on my profile :person_shrugging:


Hello @Kieron213

We are sorry to hear that you want to quit the program. If there is any help we can render to make the program easier for you to understand and participate we will be happy to help you out.

  • Have you a question or issues regards using connect we can answer them if you can’t find a solution on the forum
  • Have you issues surrounding contributions on Google maps? We can help you out if possible.

Anyways please see** :point_right:t3: How-to-close-your-Connect-profile.**That post might help you.

Happy guiding


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Hi @SholaIB

Ive followed your instructions. All i get on the personal tab is below. There is nothing about closing my account. Every time i click on ‘personal’, something flashes up on the screen, but in a second it goes back to this screen. Nothing is easy in local guides is it? I spend needless time trying to find how to do things. Absolute nightmare

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Hello @Kieron213

Click the leave the local guides program in blue print. It brings you to leave the program. Have you tried that? Please do.



Hi @SholaIB

What you are showing me does not come up on my android phone. All i get is this…

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Hello @Kieron213

Please give me a.moment and I’ll get back to you.

Thank you


I don’t know if you will be able to receive this answer, because I can see that you already exited from the Local Guides Program.

However this will not delete your contributions in Googler Maps: it will only remove your Local Guide Status.

The only way to delete the contributions is to do it manually, one by one. In this case my tip is to delete the reviews first, because all the media associated will be removed together with the review

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It’s local guide connect i want out of, not local guides. The app is needlessly complicated :roll_eyes:

Hi @Kieron213

The screen you get is shown to Local Guides who are already suspended or removed from the LG program.

So I think you need help on this from a Google moderator like @DeniGu




our friend @SholaIB already provided to you the instructions about how to leave Connect.

In any case to make it short

Be aware that if you join Connect again you will have a new id, and what you posted till now will appear as attributed to Anonymous