Hot Air Balloon in Cappadocia Turkey

Turkish: Kapadokya’daki en özel ve güzel etkinlik balonla peri bacaları üstünde uçmaktır.

Balon uçuşu hangi mevsim de yapılır?

Balon uçuşu mevsim farketmeksizin yapılıyor fakat rüzgar hızı eğer fazla olursa veya sis tarzı bir hava olayı olursa uçuş olmuyor.Uçuş’un olup olmayacağına SHGM (Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü) karar veriyor.


Balon uçuşunun fiyatına neler dahil?

Balon uçuşunun içinde ilk olarak otelinizden alınıyorsunuz sonrasında ufak bir kahvaltı veriliyor. (Pandemi döneminde kahvaltı yok) Sonrasında uçuş için kalkış noktasına gidiyorsunuz ve balon havalanıyor.Yaklaşık 1 saat ile 1 saat 30 dakikalık bir uçuş oluyor.İndiğinizde sizlere sertifika veriliyor birde fotoğraf çekiliyorsunuz ve otelinize dönüyorsunuz. Toplamda yaklaşık 3 saat lik bir süreç ama size 30 dakika gibi gelicek.


Balon uçuşu için sabit bir fiyat vermek doğru olmaz ama yaz sezonunda 150-250 euro kış sezonu 50-150 euro arası değişmekte.

Son olarak birkaç tüyo vereyim;

-Mevsim yaz bile olsa sabah erken uçuş olduğu için ona göre giyinin.

-Balon uçuşunuzu önceden rezervasyon yaptırın.

-Mümkünse hava durumuna bakıp gelin veya uçucağınız firmaya mutlaka sorun.

Herkese iyi uçuşlar ve iyi gezmeler.

English: The most special and beautiful activity in Cappadocia is flying over fairy chimneys with balloons.

In which season is the balloon flight held?

Balloon flight takes place regardless of the season, but if the wind speed is high or if there is a fog-like weather event, the flight does not happen. SHGM (General Directorate of Civil Aviation) decides whether the flight will take place.
What is included in the price of the balloon flight?

In the balloon flight, you are first picked up from your hotel and then a small breakfast is served. (There is no breakfast during the pandemic period) Then you go to the departure point for the flight and the balloon takes off. There is a flight of about 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. It takes about 3 hours in total, but it will seem like 30 minutes to you.


It would not be right to give a fixed price for the balloon flight, but it varies between 150-250 euro in the summer season and 50-150 euro in the winter season.

Finally, let me give a few tips;

-Even if the season is summer, dress accordingly as there is an early morning flight.

  • Book your balloon flight in advance.

  • If possible, check the weather forecast or ask the company of your flight.

Have a good flight and a good trip to all.


I am waiting for your comments.

This looks interesting, you learn a lot about an area when seeing it from above.

Is this your business or are you a participant @EmirOzyasar ?



I have a boutique hotel in Cappadocia, [Redacted] but I’m writing here because I love it myself [Redacted].

If you come to Cappadocia I would like to welcome you.

Hello @EmirOzyasar ,

Thanks for sharing this nice experience with us! I would love to fly over Cappadocia in one of these balloons. When did you go?

I wanted to let you know that I redacted your post, removing the external link, because that could be considered promotion and it is not allowed by our Local Guides program rules. I also redacted your comment for the same reason.

Additionally, I moved your post to the Local Stories, which seems to be the appropriate section of the forum for this kind of content. I also wanted to tell you that you don’t need to write in double version since there is a translation widget on Connect. In the following article you can learn more about the topic: How do I find posts in my preferred language?

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Hello @EmirOzyasar . I spent several months in beautiful, out of this world Cappadocia region and loved every minute of it. I loved watching the hot-air baloons but didn’t do it myself.

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I have been going to Cappadocia for about 5 years and I am there now, there is a magnificent snow and I will meet you with different places in the future.

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I spent 5 years in Cappadocia and the touring part is a bit far away, but there are places connected to the region, I also visited there, I hope you should definitely come again, please let me know if you come.

Hi @EmirOzyasar I assume your repy was for me and on this when you leave or reply to messages on Connect for a specific person always tag them by typing the @ and their Connect name (like I have done above for you) that way they will get a notification of your message and unlikely to miss it. I was based in Göreme and wandered from there to many places. 5 years is a long time. So you would have seen a lot. I would love to return some day.

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Hey @EmirOzyasar ,

I wanted to jump in the conversation and share my experience of visiting Cappadocia. I went there in October 2019 for a few days. I have to say these were some of the most magical days in my whole life. I loved the idea of renting bikes and going around freely in the area.

The most emblematic experience of the region are truly the hot air balloons. Personally, I didn’t go for them, but we decided to overlook them from the ground. I believe feeling is still as great.

One of the best things was the oversee the sun rising and contemplate the balloons flying in the sky. Magical, isn’t it?

Last but not least, I would like to share with you a kind reminder. The Local Guides program is for individuals who contribute to Google Maps who like to help others to discover and explore their world. Connect itself is a place where all Local Guides gather from around the world as individuals to exchange ideas, give input and help each other. It is strictly forbidden to represent any organization or company and keep in mind that this would lead to removal from the program. Please see our Local Guides Program Rules.


A magic photo @TsekoV , which clearly shows what my eyes saw many times when I was last there. I had already earmarked Cappadocia for a future post, it truly is an amazing place. While based in Göreme I visited many places in Nevşehir, there’s so much to see in the province. I must also findsome time to add my Maps reviews and photos.


@TsekoV The photo is very beautiful.
I also like to go somewhere on my bike, especially when I feel that wind and there’s good music at the bidet.

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This is one of the places I would like to spend more time, @AdamGT . You having the chance to live part of your life there, this is something incredible. You must have marveled at lots of breathtaking views and discovered so many off-the-beaten track spots.

I am looking forward to reading your stories of your life there. I’ve shared a bit of my travel to the region here and here.

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While visiting there, I remember I saw so many people on bicycles, @EmirOzyasar . Is there something like a competition that takes places there? Using a bike to tour the region is a good option, you have the chance to get closer to lots of places. The only drawback is that you would get tired, too. :sweat_smile:

Oh @TsekoV I just had to have a sneak peak at your earlier posts there and there about your visit to this beautiful and amazing part of the world. I ask myself how could I have possibly missed your amazing two posts! I will reply there shortly, just give me a little time as I am busy on a few things.

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