Congratulations @PrasadVR for the achievement and being the first few LGs to receive this badge
Congratulations @PrasadVR sir
Yes, the badge is so beautiful indeed. I’m so grateful for your kind words, motivation, and support dear @Kumaarsantosh.
Thank you dear @TusharSuradkar ji for your appreciation and support.
@SarathUpendran quote=“SarathUpendran, post:21, topic:470263”]
being the first few LGs to receive this badge
Thank you, my friend @SarathUpendran for your kind words, they motivate me a lot.
Thank you so much for your kind appreciation @Gouri_S_Prakash ji.
Dear @PrasadVR, I agree with you that Adam’s Top 100 system is fun and engaging. And I really liked how you made a picture combining the Top Movers & Shakers badge and the Top 100 logo. How we can see that @AdamGT 's platform is taking on its own recognizable style.
I didn’t understand it that way, Wilfried. Perhaps @AdamGT could confirm but you would’ve received the badge if you were in the Top 10 of any one or more of the boards. It wouldn’t matter that Videos were not included. But it seems you were like me - on some of the boards but not in the first 10 on any of them.
So lets keep on “moving” and “shaking” and see where that gets us by the end of 2025.
Congratulations @PrasadVR
Keep Contributing
You are indeed right @tony_b you, @WilfriedB and me included would have received the badge if we were in the Top 10 of any one or more of the (20 clearly indicated) boards. I’ve explained a bit more in my reply here and I do wish both of you and myself well for next year.
Quite an achievement and certainly one to be very proud of!
I have never been able to get into the top 100 app, for one you need your join date, which is not something achievable if you don’t know it.
I know I have been contributing for a long time.
When I began, Google gave you extra drive space (1gb for two years if I remember).
At any rate, I still enjoy being a guide, and appreciate the hard work guides like you put in for Maps users!
Hi @mqqn , I am glad you’re interested in Top 100! Thanks for reaching out. To find your joining date, please try the following: “Google sends out anniversary emails each year on the day of your Local Guide Anniversary and so from the date of any of these emails you can easily work out your Local Guide Start date.”
Hope this will be helpful.
Correct Tony! It was no surprise, but I forgot the exact reason .
I feel silly not thinking of this , thank you for the great insight!
According to my last email I became a guide on 05/03/2018.
I will see if I can get in the top 100 register now, with your help!
Hi @mqqn , I’m glad my tip helped you find your joining date! Thanks for letting me know. If you have any questions about the T100 System, please ask in the comments below.