Historic Pier 62 in Seattle 360° Views 360° Joy

The historic Pier 62 in Seattle are wooden piers offering magnificent views of the bay, the mountain & city skyline in a tranquil atmosphere.

I enjoyed my time on the pier and looked at the great scenery with the calming waters.

It was relaxing.

The waterfront is changing and an amazing place to reflect and enjoy is at Pier 62!

Looking in the South-East direction are the majestic skyscrapers of Seattle,

Located on the back side of the bustling Pike Place Market, Pier 62 is a chill place to end the day.

I found it to be an awesome spot!

There were a lot of things to do like chess and checkers with decent public restrooms.

There were tons of seats and tables here, so people came and ate lunch looking at the water.

I also enjoyed the beautiful views of the water and marveled at the cruise ship that docked here.

One day, I dream of taking a ride on a cruise ship.

I enjoyed walking around, looking at the boats and the water.

It was very nice with a lot of new construction taking place in front of the Seattle Aquarium.

Finally, I also saw fences with several 'Numbered Charms" donated by volunteers to the Pike Place Foundation that maintains the Pier 62 facilities.

:bullettrain_side: How to Reach

Read a Visual Guide on reaching Seattle Airport to Downtown using the metro train for only $3.

:tickets: Entry Ticket

No entry tickets.

:wc: Restrooms

There are a couple of free restrooms at Pier 62.

:clock3: Timings

After 3 pm for the public.

:wheelchair: Accessibility

The entire Pier 62 is accessible to the differently abled.

:house_with_garden: Where to Stay

I stayed in the Green Tortoise Hostel studded with features, yet very economical rates.

:desert_island: Top Tourist Places in Seattle

Post Alley Gum Wall
Space Needle
The Museum of Flight
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Pike Marketplace


Thank you @TusharSuradkar ji for sharing another fantastic post. The photos are impressive, providing views from multiple sides. I hope your dream of taking a ride on a cruise ship comes true soon.


Thank you, dear @PrasadVR

for reading it so carefully.

I can say that since you also noticed my dream to take the cruise ride - thank you so much :+1:


Great Post @TusharSuradkar Sir all Photo was superb


Thank you for the appreciation dear @Raj_Tayade :+1: :handshake:



Wunderbar erklärter Ort mit den schönen Bildern, ich liebe es


Wow, @TusharSuradkar Dada, Your report on historic Pier 62 in Seattle is simply breathtaking. The vivid descriptions of the serene atmosphere, stunning views, and relaxing ambiance truly transported me there. Your appreciation for the changing waterfront and the various activities available at the pier is contagious. Thanks for sharing this delightful experience!


Thank you for the appreciation @Annaelisa :blush:


Thank you for the appreciation dear @ModNomad :handshake:



So eine Kreuzfahrt hat ja auch den Vorteil, dass man sein Hotel samt guter Verpflegung immer dabei hat. Das lästige Koffer ein und auspacken entfällt.

Man kann das Meer genießen solange es sich freundlich verhält und die Städte erkunden die angelaufen werden.


You are a master, so no need to give feedback on the narration…

All the photos are really worth studying… Thanks for sharing.

But, I loved the photo #6 for many reasons… excellently framed and captured… dear @TusharSuradkar

As our @PrasadVR mentioned, I too wish you the same… may your ‘cruise dream’ come true very soon…

Another shot I loved is #7…the cruise ship looks great!

I wanted to see the ship closer… So I did an editing…I have prepared it for mobile (low resolution) - maybe you both may enjoy it?

Regards to you both…



“…can enjoy the sea as long as it is friendly and explore the cities that are visited…”

Yes, dear friend @Annaelisa for your nice comment to our @TusharSuradkar

:handshake: :rose:


Thank you @TusharSuradkar Sir for sharing with us about Seattle and its magical combination of land, water and sky! The pictures came out so clear and engrossing!

I am actually travelling USA through your post and pictures! A big big thank you Sir!

Keep posting great stories about your travel!

Always Regards Sir!


Lieber Freund @TravellerG

das Bild mit dem Kreuzfahrtschiff hast du wunderbar bearbeitet und @TusharSuradkar empfinde ich als meinen Seelenverwandten


Thank you immensely @TravellerG for the zoom in view…

With that I feel I am closer to my dream of enjoying the ride of the cruise :blush:


“…@Tushar_Suradkar to be my soul mate…”

That’s very great!, dear @Annaelisa ; I’m sure we will be proud of that…


1 Like

Just for a change, I did it, dear @TusharSuradkar

I know you use PC and this picture won’t be great on PC…

We wanted to give company to our @PrasadVR


Mein lieber @TravellerG natürlich können sie stolz auf sich sein, jeder auf seine sehr unterschiedliche Weise.

Meine Worte sollen jedoch einen anderen Bezug darstellen, entweder wurden sie missverständlich übersetzt oder einfach falsch verstanden



@TravellerG ji, Your edited photo is so much impressive, itbrings @TusharSuradkar ji one step closer to his dream of the cruise drive :grinning: .


@AnubhaBangia ji You are right, Photos and content shared by @TusharSuradkar ji’ are so much impressive, we feel like we are travelling in the USA.