I know that many travel wide and far for both business and pleasure but still, I would think like most, I have done quite a bit of guiding in the place that I live and I have to say that I love seeing a sea of red on the Map, blood or should I say tomato red for that matter
I’m sure that there will be many who have hit their home town harder than this. Share your highest density, blood red Map.
@Annaelisa I achieved this quite simply on desktop by first scrolling down through my photo contributions and the pins appear on the Map on the right-hand side. Take a screenshot and then paste it in a comment below
You are on desktop I will see how different it looks. The fact is when you zoom the icons move apart as well make it less denser but for a sec it does look denser.
Well, once a year we commute 1,000 miles between my wife’s family and mine. While it would be possible to drive in one day, we always plan for at least three overnight stops, mostly at varying places with some sightseeing.
Besides that, during the last three summers taking advantage of the new, cheap train ticket in Germany.
I like it @WilfriedB. It’s a great way to travel. Enjoy the journey as well as your final destination and it looks like your “high density, blood red” Map pretty well shows the 1,000 miles between respective families.