I have a personal email account, on which I am a level 5 guide. I also have a business email account, which I do not want to ever use to make contributions, as it is inappropriate, given my profession.
Every time I try to post a new review, I make sure I am signed into my personal account, write the review, check the icon is correct, post, and find that Google has posted it as if it is from my professional account. Then Google offers to sign me up as a local guide.
Also, Google does not show me as having visited anywhere, except under my professional account.
How can I get back to posting and participating as myself?
@SiBelle The below has worked for me, see if it works for you too.
On desktop computers, it should be simpler because we need to sign into the web browser with a specific Google account, just make sure before you post, upload, review, that you are logged into the correct Google account. You may try to use different browsers for a different login to make things faster if you wish.
On my Android phone, I configure my personal account as the first Google account I set up in the phone. Ie, assuming if I got a new phone, the first Google account I set up will be my personal account. And then add other Google accounts later. When I use Google Maps, under the menu, I should see my personal account selected.
Although I think you can just select which account you want to be the default account for Maps via the menu in the Maps app also.
If you are on iOS, I don’t have experience on that, apologies, hopefully someone else can help.
Hopefully others can share their experiences in this also.
Thank you! That gives me at least one good idea (checking which email is connected to google maps). I am unfortunately on IOS, but maybe it will work for me, too.
Both Android and IOS devices are compatible with Google Maps and what @StephenAbraham explained should work well for you on IOS. Please keep in mind that contributions can’t be transferred between accounts.
By the way actively participating in Local Guides with more than one account is against our rules and policy. Doing so will result in removal of one if not all accounts and may result in a permanent ban from the LG program.
That said, feel free to also have a look at the helpful links via Google Help Forum.