Have you tried Boli before?

Boli is a very popular Nigerian roasted plantain, it is a delicious street snack. This special delicacy is found in every city of Nigeria. The name Boli was originated from the Yoruba language and it later became the generally accepted name for this special delicacy. You can either refer to it as Boli or Bole.

Boli was originally popular among low income earners and young students but today, If you are a Nigerian, you will surly agree with me that when it comes to Boli, there is no class… simply pure enjoyment :smiling_face:.

Although this yummy snack got its popularity on the street, it can also be prepared at home, in an oven or an open grill.

Boli is usually enjoyed with roasted peanuts (groundnuts), grilled fish or pepper sauce. Here’s how to prepare it.


  1. Make sure your plantains are properly washed, peel of the plantain coat. Make sure you make a slit on the sides.
  2. If you are using an Oven, pre-heat your oven grill (barbecue) at 170ºC until hot.
  3. Wed the plantains and rub a little salt on them, then place the peeled plantains on the grill rack or barbecue as some may call it and transfer into the hot oven.
  4. This processes could take as much as 10 to 15 minutes, depending of how ripe the plantains are. Turn the plantains over from time to time, so the heat can get to all sides evenly.

When all side are properly cooked, Boli is then said to be ready.

Serve and enjoy with Pepper sauce, grilled fish or roasted groundnuts.

Note: for the fish in this recipe, I marinated the mackerel fish with only stock cubes and vegetable oil before grilling.


This boli went to**Harvard @GiddyXp **


Simple sentence @GiddyXp

Damn i’m drooling


This is one of the most common food on the street of Ondo State here in Nigeria. Ondo share boundary with Lagos and that it why you can easily find thesame in both places.

@GiddyXp you did an excellent job in crafting all the important process involves in creating a boli, they was no better way to crest it out. Thank you for sharing .

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Never tasted Boli @GiddyXp but it looks and sounds like a good meal.


:joy: @Ewaade_3A I tell you and it came out with a first class :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@Nyainurjanah do you want to have a bite :yum:


It’s a good thing you have tried boli before @Ladymercy i hope you really enjoy it as much as I do


This is very apitising i must say @GiddyXp

Thank you for the step by step process on how to achieve this from my kitchen.


Oh Lawd

I can’t come to Naija and leave without gaining wait


Hahah @GiddyXp sure


@Lily_Asongfac come with an empty stomach, it will surely be filled upon returning :laughing:


Without tasting this, you can tell it will surly be sweet @GiddyXp your post is beautiful and your meal is appealing

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You are very much correct @Simonatah It is very delicious


Hi @GiddyXp

Nice recipe. BTW, it appear that a big part of the content of the post (including all the images) is not your own.

Do you own the right or, do you have the permission from the author, for sharing it?

If the answer to my question is NO, please edit your post to remove the content that is NOT original.

In Local Guides Connect we care about author’s right, included yours. For more information please read: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?

Please note that Posts with images or content used without the copyright holder’s permission will be removed from Connect.

Hello @ErmesT thank you for constantly making sure we are are always uploading the right contents here’s on connect. I understand copyright is not tolerated here on connect and it should not. However, I have full permission to use all contents on this post as they were collected from a restaurant social media handle by myself.

Best Regards

Giddy :tanabata_tree:


Thanks for the feedback @GiddyXp

In this case you should explain this in your post. In fact the photos used by you appears in several other place, so I will try to formulate my question on a different way. I do not want to know about the social media, otherwise I will have to ask “does your social media channel own the right?”, so I am skipping that step. Do you own the right of using that photo? Do you have the permission from the author of the photo for using it?

If so, you should claim your rights, because the photos used by you are everywhere in Internet

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Hi @GiddyXp ,

Thank you for sharing this nice post with the community, however, it looks like the photo you have attached does not belong to you. You probably aren’t aware of this, but we do not encourage plagiarism of any kind here on Connect. This is stated in our Program rules and this is the reason why I removed the image from your post.

We always encourage Local Guides to be original and this is well mentioned in the 5 core values of Connect. Please keep in mind that continuously publishing plagiarized content on Connect is considered as spamming.


Hello @KlaudiyaG

Thank you very much for this information, I was earlier intimated on this by @ErmesT , I apologize for using the content without attributing credit to source.

I am learning everyday and I hope to improve. Thank you once again.

Best Regards