Hatisur (Indian heliotrope)

"Heliotropium indicum, commonly known as Indian heliotrope, is an annual, hirsute plant that is a common weed in waste places and settled areas. It is native to Asia. Indian heliotrope is an annual, erect, branched plant that can grow to a height of about 15–50 cm (5.9–19.7 in). It’s a hairy stem, bearing alternating ovate to oblong-ovate leaves. It has small white flowers with a green calyx; five stamens borne on a corolla tube; a terminal style; and a four-lobed ovary."


Thank you for sharing @chy_sujan

Best Regards

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Wow this flower photo is gorgeous, @chy_sujan ! Fun fact: Heliotropium indicum is known for traditional medicinal uses

Hi five! I see you love flowers too! Here’s a few photos of Sakura (also known as Cherry Blossom) that I have taken when I was in Asakasu, Japan about two months ago. :smile:

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