Caption: GURUDWARA Sri Ber Sahib Ji.(Inside)
Caption: Gurudwara Sri Ber Sahib Ji(outside scenario)
This is situated on the Bank of Kali Bein River where founder of Sikhism Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539) stayed for 14 year 9 Months and 13 days of his Life.Guru Ji used to sit here to recite NITNEM Experience Communion with the Almighty.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled almost all the
Countries of The Asia and preach sikhisS.
There are many Gurudwaras in Sultanpur Lodhi, Punjab,India and related to the life of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as GURUDWARa Sahib Ji Sri Guru Ka Bagh, GURUDWARa Sahib Ji Sri Ber Sahib Ji, GURUDWARa Sahib Ji Sri Hatt Sahib Ji,Gurudwara Sahib Ji Sri Sant Ghat and many more.There is free Lungar (food), free accommodation ,free parking,wheel wheel accessible entrance and parking.Clean and free Toilets round the clock.
Transportation is very
Common.Trains are departuring from Jalandhar-Kapurthala --Rail coach Factory to Sultanpur Lodhi and also from Ludhiana–Ferozpur-Lohian khas to Sultanpur Lodhi. From Railway station Sultanpur Lodhi you can buy an Autrickshaw and visit any GURUDWARa at any time and day of year round the clock.
All days of year are special for Sikhs There is Shabad Kirtan Round the clock in all GURUDWaras.People of all religions can pray and stay , have a Lungar (free food) and tea in GURUDWARas like a Sikh.
Welcome@Aruni welcome to visit GURUDWARas.
Mohan Singh. Local Guide .Level 8.