indahnya kampungku di sore hari dengan pemandangan hamparan sawah & gunung ciremai hati tenang. I LOVE KUNINGAN
Halo @Enthiz
Pemandangan yang indah ya. Ini difoto dari sisi mana? Boleh nih berbagi cerita, ada apa saja di sekitar situ yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.
Salam dari pojokan Tamkot
Hi @Enthiz ,
Thank you for sharing your photo with us. Could you tell us a bit more about this place? Including more information in your posts makes it more interesting for other Local Guides. To learn how you can create more engaging content on Connect, find great tips, and more, please feel free to check the following article: Your guide to Connect.
By the way, I’ve noticed that your post is in Indonesian. Please note that I’ve added the Indonesian language label. To learn more about these kinds of labels, I recommend taking a look at the article, How do I find posts in my preferred language?. I’ve moved you post to the photography board, which is where you can share tips on improving your photography skills, interesting photos you have taken, and the story behind them, etc.
Wah hijau banget pak, indah sekali ciptaan-Nya
Hallo penghuni kota kuningan, salam kenal dr bandorasa
Hallo selamat siang kak, salam kenal dari bandorasa palih ujung
Halo @Hanafialkhoiri
Salam kenal dari pojokan Kota Kuningan. Oh ya, akun Google Maps-nya udah saya follow, masih ‘diminta’. Follback ya
waaaaah kereeeen … menyejukan kalo liat pemandangan ini … baktos ti pakaleran Pancalang
siap mas sudah saya follback