Grouse Mountain 360 Photo walk & SKI tour

Hello Local Guides,

I will be hosting a in person meetup “Grouse Mountain SKI tour and 360 photo walk” for local guides in Vancouver BC, Canada. I’m planning to meet and socialize with local guides and do some Hiking, Skiing, and snowboarding at Grouse mountain and capture attractions and best views. We can review the points of interest based on our experience. Bring your SKI gear and cameras with you. Do not forget to dress warmly since it may be so cold. See you all on Sunday.

Date - January 22nd, 2023

Venue - Grouse Mountain- (9WC2+3G North Vancouver, British Columbia)

Time - 8.30 am - 2.00 pm

RSVP here in the comments.


That seems like such a fun meet-up! I would have never thought of a meet-up skiing -as in my city it doesn’t even snow - but now I want it hahaha

I hope you have lots of fun!


@kasunaaa , super. You have to get me online.


Yes @Jesi It is going to be lots of fun. This will be a novel experience for me and I will share our experience with you soon after the meetup. Come to Canada to get some snow experience.


@ravindus sure bro, you will be my first guest and I’ll definitely get you online on the meetup day. I wish you can join me to do some cross-country skiing.

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Fantastic idea @kasunaaa !

Can’t wait for your recap here on Connect!


Hello @JaneBurunina ,

I’m glad that you liked my idea. I know that you always love to read my posts. Sure I’ll share the recap as soon as possible.

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Meet up on top of the world @kasunaaa I bet it would be fun to get up there!


Hi @kasunaaa ,

We’re having a very snow-less winter this year, so I’m absolutely joining the group of Local Guides waiting for the recap. Can’t wait to see all the snowy photos!

By the way, I noticed that you have submitted your meet-up for approval on Connect, but the organizer of the event appears to be a company. Since the Local Guides program is reserved for individuals only, can I ask you to please submit a new meet-up, this time organized by you / a Local Guide individual?

Thanks a lot!


@DeniGu Thank you for notifying me. Actually, I published that event on that page and I’m organizing the meetup. I will submit the meetup again for approval. Can you recommend any other site to create events?

Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on the meetup recap. Have a nice day!

Hi @kasunaaa ,

Thanks for getting back to me. Facebook is a good site to create an event, it just shouldn’t be created from a company page, because it might confuse the attendees.

Since you’ve already announced the meet-up in this post, you can also use the link to it as the invite URL in the meet-up submission! You can just add more details, like the exact meeting location or anything else that you think is important. Local Guides can RSVP in the comments below. Or, some meet-up hosts also create Google Forms, like this one, which comes with a great privacy policy note.

Hope this is helpful!


@DeniGu Thank you for the great information. I will make changes to the post and resubmit the meetup. The privacy notice is a great feature to add to a meetup post or a form as you mentioned.

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All the best brother for the 360 ski on the mountain and I wish to visit the magical mountain in Canada


Amazing meet up idea… Great… I wish I could have joined. But i will enjoy through your recap. Thanks @kasunaaa

It will be surely a great meetup @kasunaaa and I hope it will be great fun as well.

All the best bro :pray: