Grilled Cheese+Poutine+Photos

Grilled Cheese+Poutine+Photos

The Drive Coffee Bar

1670 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y4, Canada

March 18, 2017 @ 12:00

Apparently there is a grilled cheese challenge of some sort happening in the city and it is also Map your World Week! Unfortunately, the grill cheese offerings are all over the city, so can’t do a food crawl…but this one particular one is on Commercial Drive. We can go from there… then perhaps head over to Belgian fries for some poutine as well and then there are tons of pubs for some drinks as well. And of course, assuming that spring will come some time we can go for a bit of a walk. And maybe some photos? It is last minute, but we can have an informal meet up. And of course, we can always contribute to maps by taking photos and reviewing these places! As an added bonus, I still have another Princess Leia Pegman pin left to offer. We may have a bit of a photo competition that day to see who will be the winner! And to entice you a bit more… here are the details for that grilled cheese sandwich that will be served: The Eye of the Tiger Grrrrilled Cheese Price: $7.95 Created by: Sandra Raines Description: Canadian Cheddar, Parmigiano Grana Padano, Blue Cheese sauce, Balsamic roasted Gala Apples, sweet caramelised onions, and toasted chopped walnuts between two slices of Country Marbled Rye, grilled with garlic butter. Offered: during business hours at both La Grotta Del Formaggio and The Drive Coffee Bar (until sold out of daily batches). La Grotta Del Formaggio 1791 Commercial Drive, Vancouver Tel: (604) 255-3911 Same creation is also available at: The Drive Coffee Bar 1670 Commercial Drive, Vancouver Offered: Every day after 9AM

RSVP here


anyone doing any walks for the city challenge??

Ama want to join!

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@MinalC : We’ll be hitting up a few places for this meet up, so feel free to come out to it! We can definitely take photos of the businesses and then add them to maps, and of course reviews as well!

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I am in! Are we meeting directly there at 11 am?

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@Cristina_S Yes! We’re going to meet at the first stop, which is the Drive Coffee Bar on Commercial. However, there was a glitch with the system when daylight savings happened, so it’ll actually be at noon!! Hope that’s alright with you.

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