In Google maps when I upload some photos with review then it is not publish for some reason. I think google map have some bugs this happened with me and my friends many times. I don’t know where and how to report or give suggestion to Google map local guides team that’s why I write a post and this suggestion is given by a senior local guide @JanVanHaver of this community. if anyone have faces same issues then please comment to more reach that’s why it appears to the developer team
@Sandivsv thank you for tagging me. Unfortunately I am extremely busy at work this week with a big project. I’m tagging @MortenCopenhagen instead, hoping that he can point you to some relevant posts.
Thank you, @JanVanHaver sir, for your consistent support and encouragement
Thanks @JanVanHaver
You need to be more precise. Share screenshots, explain what error messages you get, and let me see some of the images you have problems with. And also please share Maps links to the place on Google.
Also, have a look here and tell me if this is what you also see:
You have posted this in the Photography section. It would be really helpful if you would move this post to the How-to section where it fits better. Just edit your post again, select the new Topic at the top, and save it again. Further instructions on editing your posts can be found here.
How to choose a section/topic for your Connect post might also be interesting for you.
All the best
@MortenCopenhagen I think this information may be helpful to find out the problem.
Link of place where I want to uploa
In review section it shows your upload is pending and same issues I have faced many times.
Link of place where I want to upload
Thanks for the screenshots and links.
The second link “Prime home coliving space” looks very much like a private home/house. Such places are not entitled to a pin on Google Maps.
Please see
The error message: Upload is pending is almost always related to connectivity issues. Please check your maps settings to see if image upload is limited to wifi only.
If your concern relates to no views on new photos please see
There are not any connectivity issues and I checked my maps settings as well as device settings for uploading photos.
For how long have they been pending?
Can you abort the pending upload and retry?
Have you tried to upload photos to other places?
It could be a restriction placed on you, but I doubt it.
As I failed to understand what could be the cause, I looked at your profile. Many of your reviews and photos have been made private.
Please know that uploading similar (redundant) photos is against the guidelines.
Please try uploading one of the pending images as an Update from the explore tab. If this is successful we will know that your photos have been blocked by the spam filter.
Let me know.
I have been experiencing a similar issue since the 0 views glitch began, but it is with videos rather than photos, @Sandivsv and @MortenCopenhagen . I am on an iPhone, and when I upload videos from the Maps app, they appear to be in the pending state for as long as I keep the app open. I know something is wrong because my profile statistics do not change even after several hours. But I discovered a workaround: when I share videos to Maps directly from my Camera Roll, they are uploaded instantly and the count on my profile increases. I am holding out for the 0 view bug to go away to see if this goes with it.
For more than a week , my pictures on google map are showing zero view . I’m at level 9 this is not normal
Same bug for over a week !
Yes I face same issues,Thailand