If you travel in dakar want to eat cheap and good, look at this kind of place… it frequently people sit down around a bole in the street. Here you can eat good meat with 1000 cfa (2 € or $). Don’t hesitate, it will be a good experienc
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The first pictures is a kind of meat called suya in Nigeria. Its usually made from beef and very tasty
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I’m agree with you… and frequently it’s the haoussa (people from nigeria) who sell that in senegal
Thank you @Sallou for sharing. Where it is exactly? It looks tasty
Let’s get to meet one day. It will be a pleasure to create a meetup for all Dakar’s Local Guides. Let me know if you want.
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- Hello ababacar nanga dèf?!
- yes fore sure it’s tasty! I’ll try the exact location of the place in medina.
- 14°41’14.7"N 17°27’07.6"W
OK thanks you…