God Of Rain "Rato Machhendranath"

A ritual of Rato Machhindranath (God Of Rain)

Rato Machindranath is one of the most extraordinary religious events of the Newar community in the Kathmandu valley, and it is one of the longest chariot festivals celebrated in Nepal. In the Newari language, it is called Bunga Dyah Jatra.

This festival is held in Lalitpur, Nepal. Rato Machindranath Jatra is held according to the lunar calendar, so the date is changeable every year. It is celebrated at the beginning of the monsoon to appease the rain and grain, to God Rato Machindranath.


Hi @bikashkhadge , Next year Iā€™m planning to travel Nepal. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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