Glad for earned 5th badges : Pretty Popular

Dear LGs,

I’m glad to inform you that now I am pretty popular. It’s just because of you. At at end of this year, I got a bundle of joy. I recently completed my 4th year of anniversary on Local Guides after that got 91 Lakhs+ views and then crossed the level 7.

Thank you everyone, who oldest or new comer in this field. You guided me, so that I guided others.


Congratulations @giteshsharma on getting Pretty Popular Badge. Keep on Guiding!

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Congratulations @giteshsharma :clap::clap::partying_face:

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Congratulations @giteshsharma

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Congarts, @giteshsharma :100:

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Congratulations :tada::clap: keep contributing

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Thank you @Rahul001 .

Thank you @SarathUpendran

Thank you, @Ssiddharth2000 ji.

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Thank you Dear.

Thank you, Shreya Ji.

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