Friday Favorites: an International Women’s Day meet-up recap, a trip to New York City, and more

Every Friday, Google Moderators highlight the best posts they found recently to celebrate the amazing discoveries Local Guides like you are sharing on Connect. This week, an International Women’s Day meet-up recap, a trip to New York City, and more.

@RadieN: How did you spend the International Women’s Day this year? I was really interested to learn how Local Guides in Argentina spent the day attending @SilvyC’s meet-up Día Internacional de la Mujer. That’s why this week, I wanted to bring to your attention the post “Recap Meet-Up "International Women’s Day.” This meet-up took place at Villa Ocampo that used to be the residence of Victoria Ocampo, one of the outstanding women of Argentine literature. In this recap, @SilvyC tells us her impressive story and shows us many photos of their unforgettable visit there.

@Deskata: Did you know that if you tried to navigate the entire New York City subway system, it would take approximately 24 hours? And that’s if you hurry! In his post “Taking a bite of the Big Apple???,” Local Guide @kelvinofula describes how he managed to easily navigate the New York City subway thanks to the schedules and written instructions in Google Maps. He takes us to a few of the most famous must-see locations in the big city and shares some handy tips on visiting them. If you’re fascinated by The City That Never Sleeps like I am, then this post is a must-read.

@TsekoV: While browsing through Connect, one post left a deep impression on me. It was @FaridTDF’s post “Los primeros Local Guides del mundo antiguo.” The title made me curious, who might be the first Local Guides of the old world? @FaridTDF undertook a journey to follow in the steps of the Portuguese explorer Magellan in Argentine. If you wish to learn more about the people who populated the map with new lands and seas, don’t miss this post.

@Bobiisha: The post I want to highlight this week is “12 Lugares para conhecer no Brasil” by Local Guide @Eros_Hassen. In it, he shares 12 beautiful places that he visited in Brazil, from beaches to national parks. He has also created a list in Google Maps so that others can bookmark his favorites. His post caught my eye because of the amazing photos inside. Another great thing about it is that the Local Guide shared his personal experience at each place, giving relevant and useful information to people who might want to visit.

Tell us about some of the best posts you’ve read on Connect lately and be sure to keep an eye out next week to see if one of your posts is selected for Friday Favorites! You can check out last week’s Friday Favorites here.


Love the post and photos @Deskata , especially the two feet above the water at Alter do Chão, Brazil.


Thanks @Deskata and to @RadieN for choosing me! Was a placer spend International Women’s Day in the house of an impressive woman as Victoria Ocampo was, and with the best company, my fellow Local Guides in Buenos Aires. We had fun as always we do, and we learned a lot.

Congratulations to my Argentine friend @FaridTDF you rock! and to

@kelvinofula @Eros_Hassen for your great posts!!

Best regards.

Silvi :argentina:

My contributions

CL20 Application post


@Deskata @SilvyC @AdamGT felicitaciones por sus grandes logros!! El Meet de Silvis si que fue excelente!! @FaridTDF también una gran ejemplo como Local Guide! Saludos a todos los que fueron mencionados!!


@SilvyC Felicitaciones por tu logro!! Vamos por más!!


All posts are awesome. Congratulations @SilvyC @kelvinofula @FaridTDF @Eros_Hassen for being Friday favorite.


Hello @Deskata Great recap and love your photography’s, Thank you so much for your awesome post sharing with us.


Gracias @RosaTapia lo pasamos muy lindo verdad.


Silvi :argentina:

My contributions


Gracias @IgnacioMamaniTapia siempre por más.


Silvi :argentina:

My contributions


Thanks @Ruxellan

Best regards.

Silvi :argentina:

My contributions

CL20 Application post


Hi @Deskata ,

wow very nice posts selected this week, thank you for sharing.

Congratulations for your posts @SilvyC @kelvinofula @FaridTDF @Eros_Hassen :blush: .


Gracias @LuigiZ , el viaje de Magallanes fue una gran epopeya como la de Colon cuando llegó a las Américas .



Gracias @Deskata por la mención y a @TsekoV por que le gusto ese gran viaje de Magallanes. También a @AlejandraMaria por colaborar en su realización.


Perfect selection for the Friday Favorites @Deskata

Thank you for sharing with us.

Congratulations to @SilvyC , @FaridMonti ,

@kelvinofula and @Eros_Hassen for your sharing amazing photos.


Thank you @Deskata for featuring my post alongside the other really great posts. I am really honored. I hope everyone enjoys or enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed making it. Thank you all.


I like your post) U looks pretty nice. And thanks that u discovered for me @Eros_Hassen I like very much


Fantastic election @Deskata :clap:

I have read all the posts and are amazing with an incredible quality (text and photos) and a variety of languages.

Congratulations @Silvis @kelvinofula @Eros_Hassen @FaridMonti

@FaridTDF , gracias por el tag. ¡¡¡Qué bueno que te hayan seleccionado!!!. El tema era buenísimo. Todo un placer haber colaborado contigo en este proyecto :grinning:

Greatings to all of you from the South of Spain,



Thanks to all of you for your kind words @AbdullahAM @AlejandraMaria @LuigiZ

Keep safe!

Best regards.

Silvi :argentina:


@AlejandraMaria siempre es un placer colaborar con excelentes escritores como tu, y generosos en la lengua, por mas colaboraciones juntos Ale.

un gran saludo fueguino, Farid.


Hey @AlejandraMaria , I’m glad you enjoyed the selection. :]