Flower Markets

I consider Flower Markets as one of the great places on the Earth. Not for any reason in particular, but the kind of environment created by the flowers is simply amazing. The aroma there is unmatchable with any other market.

Although I don’t like shopping much, but buying flowers and garlands in any flower market is one of my favourite activities.

Recently, I visited one of the famous flower markets of India - Poo Market (Coimbatore). I noticed that the quality of flowers were really fresh and the prices were also very low. Not surprisingly, the main reason was the proximity to the field. And I was happy that flower farmers were earning good amount there.

Here, I’m sharing some pictures of my visit to this place.

I request my friends @To_paul , @MukulR , @Nyainurjanah , @ShekharMuz_5 and @TravellerG to share the pictures of flower markets in their respective cities.


very nice flowers market. The photos of the flowers in your post make my morning better @Tushar18 . Thanks for this nice post. You can see some images of a flower market in Dhaka here.


Hi @MukulR

Great to see you after long time … Thank you very much for appreciating my post. The flower market in Dhaka is adorned with gracious flowers … Beautiful !!!


Hi @Tushar18 ,

Thanks for sharing your story. Wow those are amazing! What are the flowers that are hanging? They look really interesting. I’m sure the scent is amazing there. I also love flowers and flower bouquets. Those are really beautiful.

I also like the ones on the basket, wow! I’m sure they make for great surprises for birthdays etc? What kind of flowers can you buy there?


My dear @Tushar18 ,

Since You have have tagged me in your tremendous flowers market post of Poo Market, Coimbatore, I join this conversation in other way .

In other way denotes here is that my place/city doesn’t have a big flowers market like that of Coimbatore, so I just attempt to neutralise it by placing some flowers from my own garden, if you don’t mind it .

Thanks for your condeble job .


@Tushar18 thank you for tag me .

Actually I know the flowers market near me but I never to take picture so let me replace flowers from front yard

red flowers


Hi @Tushar18

First of all, thank you so much for tagging
In my area is winter outside there are a few degrees Celsius. The flower sellers keep the flowers in the store and I can’t get enough pictures because their stores are small
So I preferred to go to a supermarket to take a picture at the flower district
I hope you like the picture
Thank you very much


Hi @Tushar18 ,

great flower market indeed, lot of special creations… I never seen those long hanging flower “rolls” ? They look so beautiful. What kind of decoration you normally do with them?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


Hi @DanniS

Thank you very much for the appreciation. The hanging flowers are basically garlands, which are used to worn around neck or head. Generally in Hinduism, these garlands are offered to the deity and put around his/her neck. It marks as offering respect to the God. The same garland is offered to any guest or elder person in India - mostly during any ceremonies or celebrations.

This market is one of the oldest flower markets in India and has mostly local flowers which are grown in nearby villages. Yes, the environment in the market is simply amazing. Sometimes I visit there only to get positive vibes.

Yes, these flowers are used for many special occasions in Indian culture - like marriages, birthdays, festivals, etc. You can buy flowers like roses, sunflowers, lily, etc. There are many others - and sorry I don’t know their names …


@Tushar18 very nice post my friend… I also enjoy flower markets a lot! thanks for sharing!


@Tushar18 So interesting! I think there are no special flower markets in my country, the flowers are sold in special shops or at the peasant areas of usual markets.


@Tushar18 Thanks so much for your reply! I would love to hang these in my house and have those bucket flowers! So beautiful!


Hi @ShekharMuz_5 Sir,

I’m really glad that you participated in this post. It doesn’t matter if there exist any such market in your city or not, these pictures of flowers of your garden fills the gap. These flowers are really very beautiful. I must say that you are very good in gardening.

Thanks again Sir for your appreciation and support !!!


Thank you very much for your participation @Nyainurjanah

It’s great that you have attached a picture from your garden. The flower is really beautiful … You have taken a close shot … Nice !!!


Thank you very much for your participation @To_paul

I’m really honoured that you went out specially and took the picture of these amazing flowers in the supermarket. You and the picture both are awesome !!!


Thanks a lot @LuigiZ for the praise and taking interest in the post.

First of all, I must say that the rural people experiment a lot with these flowers to make different designer garlands. These hanging flowers are special garlands which are worn around neck on special occasions. They are offered to show love and respect for the person.

We generally use these flowers in various ways - like preparing garlands, offering them directly to the deity, and probably for some medicinal purposes too (don’t know exactly but heard about it from my grandparents).


Thank you very much for your appreciation @marcorp


Thanks for your appreciation @OlgaKlimchik !!!

Yes, in some countries flowers are sold locally by the rural people …


Very nice @Tushar18 and a lot of applications, thank you for the deep explanation. It is always nice to learn something new from another culture :blush: .

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It’s always my pleasure @LuigiZ :blush: