Fireworks over Lake Arrowhead, CA


Hi @Kencon88 ,

Stunning photos of the fireworks! Thanks so much for sharing them. By the way, what camera did you use to capture these? Was this a special event?

I remember seeing the annual fireworks festival in Cannes last summer and it was amazing.


@Kencon88 Wow these pictures are looking very amazing. Thank you for sharing. These sky shots are really huge!!


Hi @DanniS !

Thank you so much! I tried so many different settings to get these shots just right. The occasion was our local annual fireworks show on July 6th 2019 in Lake Arrowhead, CA. The fireworks are launched from a barge in the middle of the lake and all the homeowners in the surrounding lakeside properties bring their boats out for the show. As for the camera, I used my Canon EOS T7i DSLR mounted on a tripod of course. The location I chose to compose the shot was high up on a mountain and allowed me to be at eye level with the fireworks! I exposed these photos with settings at ISO100 for the cleanest shot with no noise, just pure black. Aperture at f7.0 with a shutter speed of 6 seconds. The lens is a prime Canon 50mm f1.8, amazing in low light or for portraiture.


Thanks a bunch! Im really happy with how they turned out. I lost some quality uploading them onto here but they still look great! I was high up on a mountain overlooking our lake when I took these, thats how I got these huge eye popping shots lol! Taken on my brand new Canon DSLR, Iā€™m in love with it :slight_smile:

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@Kencon88 You really captured them nicely! Great technique. Do you photograph much? Would be really interesting to see more things from you and a small how-to for capturing such photos.

Great photos @Kencon88 thanks for sharing.

amazing fireworks @Kencon88