Few picture from lockdown this week.

Hope everyone is doing well. Just sharing a few pictures taken during the lockdown in Ireland this week.

Pictures are either through our window, on the balcony or during our brief & short walks within our street.


Perfect shots :star_struck:


Hi @Jim_Allen

I love these! So stunning, but my most favorite one is the 3rd photo of the black bird. That one is just wow! It should be printed and put on the wall. It’s so sharp and calm. Amazing shots really.

How did you manage to photograph the bird? Do you know what bird is that? It looks like a bigger bird from the photo, but it might be small. That’s what I love about photos is you can make things looks different.

Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for the compliment :blush: .

The bird is a starling, pretty common around here but fun to photograph close-up.

I’m on a work call at the minute but I’ll post a more detailed answer after the call with a some outtakes of the bird


The starlings happen to like my balcony, so when sitting quietly on my balcony from time to time one of them will perch itself within my view. I added a few pictures below, the 3rd one shows more accurately the position of the bird on the balcony but as it was half obstructed view I decided to focus on the birds face.

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whaaw awesome clicks @Jim_Allen

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Great photos @Jim_Allen . Thank you for sharing.

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@Jim_Allen I love this one, wow! Such a beautiful bird and and the colors are stunning! Thanks for showing more photos of it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks :blush:

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Thanks, appreciate the compliment :blush:


Thanks, glad you enjoyed the pictures.

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Glad you enjoyed them :blush: