Feature Request: Drawing Route Map on Google To Know Live Traffic Timing

Whenever you get directions between 2 or more points, Google does a fantastic job in identifying the best possible route, so that one can reach at the quickest time. It also suggests some route variations with varied distance and time taken.

But what if I know a better route (might be shorter or longer than the suggested route), with little traffic movement and I want to follow that route on Google Maps. I have set timer on Google Maps for transiting between office and home during a specific time period, one in morning and other in evening. Right before departure time, Google sends a notification about the time it takes to reach the destination. There are 3 options shown. What if there are other options as well?

I want to draw that on map and get to know the time taken against Live Traffic currently. It would be a great feature to have. This could also be helpful in planning city tours.

I am aware of Google MyMaps, but that is a static offering and serves a different purpose.

@MortenCopenhagen @DeniGu @NareshDarji


Nice idea, @PrateekAgarwal

May I add at that it also would be relevant to enable navigation along a manually drawn line?

But I’m not particularly optimistic about these suggestions getting implemented because it takes a ton of processing power and live data to do these calculations. More that what is available in our devices.

Instead, you could investigate what’s blocking Google Maps from finding the optimal route. This can be done by making smaller sections of navigation to reveal where the problem is. And the suggest the needed road changes. This way all users can benefit.





In the Android app there is also an option to pin a navigation route as far as I remember. You may want to look into that after fixing the road bugs.




Hi @MortenCopenhagen

Yes. I have investigated for quite some time now and always there’s a specific route(s) being displayed by Google. I tried to give a feedback many-a-times regarding the same but there’s no luck.

Of course, the idea is applicable for those routes for which I have known positively to work out every single time and then I proceed to give a feedback, but I guess, it’ll take a lot to make Google’s algos understand the same.

I have also tried the pin option, but it always takes into consideration the travel time between 2 points as well, like service roads, traffic signal, even though when the idea is not to consider. The pin has to be very precisely placed. Will try that option as well once.

Thanks for chipping in as always


Just to be sure: Are you familiar with sending feedback on a specific step in a navigation? I recommend doing this from a desktop computer. Sending normal feedback is unlikely to be successful.

I can share some steps on how to do this.



Thanks @MortenCopenhagen

This will help. I will try the desktop feature now. It has always been the mobile one.

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You may already know these steps, but others reading this might benefit:

I suggest you provide feedback about the incorrect navigation step using a desktop computer.

This link will explain how to do so.

Cue up directions so the faulty step will show up.

Then select Send feedback which is found at the bottom of the map (not the left panel).

Then click on the flag next to the faulty navigation step.

Then select Problem type. Here you can add some notes.

Use the notes to explain in apparent detail what the problem is. Please specify the exact GPS coordinates where relevant. Also, include deep links to Google Streetview if applicable. The more clear details, the better.

It can take 2-3 weeks before changes show on the map. Google will not notify you about the result. Just check the map once a week or so.

