I am a small business owner who has been at my current location for over 7 years and have been receiving several fake reviews regarding my business. We are a limo company and reservations are required to use our services. None of the negative reviews are from anyone who has used our service. It feels like a competitor.
Reviews enclosed.
Screenshot of new reviews below. No link was available
There are 2 new reviews also that I was unable to get the link to because the share review option is not available.
Can anyone assist?
@MashaPS, @AngieYC, @InaS, and @DeniGu
Thank You 
Thanks for reaching us.
Please read this post to know how to report a Local Guide: How to identify and report fraud on Google Maps.
You can also report the whole profile directly from Google Maps App. For more details about the procedure, please click
In addition, being a business owner, you have other options, like to respond to a review. In the Google My Business help page you can find several tips and indication about how to manage the reviews: https://support.google.com/business/topic/4596755?hl=en&ref_topic=4596652
I would like also to remind you that, being a Business, you should not join the Local guides program to represent your business.
This is against the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions : “Organizations, brands, and businesses are not eligible for the Program.”
Hello @surfgent
Try the tips given in this Post here to report the profile. Maybe some of the moderators will also see this and escalate it.
Meanwhile you need separate accounts to be on connect and to operate your business. Just to let you know. It’s illegal to use a business account to participate on connect. Welcome to local guides connect…
Thanks so much… I’ll set up a separate account

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Please learn to use the tagging tool “@” followed by the username like I did to yours above
. Thank you.
Now you’ll need to log out this one as well since its representing your business. You could have a look at About the forum here .
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Hi @surfgent ,
Thanks for reaching out.
The fellow Local Guides has given you useful and intact response to your query. Feel free to follow their suggestions.
Please note that I am going to accept @ErmesT 's reply as a solution to your post, because it gives the complete answer to your question. To learn more about solutions, feel free to check out this post: How do I mark comments as solutions?
I will also change the topic of your post to How-tos to keep Connect organized. This is the place where you can ask questions, share tips and feedback about Connect and the Local Guides program.
Hi, I would like two local guides which i believe posted fake reviews of a business. I believe the local guides themselves might not be real and a fake account.
The business I am referring to is Veteran Builders Group. I am new to Local Guides so I do not know how to start a new thread but this business is for a long time abusing the rating on the platform. We have reported many of those fake reviews and pictures with mixed success : https://www.google.com/search?q=veteran+builders+group&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS889US889&oq=veteran+builders+group&aqs=chrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j69i59j69i60l3.3187j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
I am not sure this is the proper way to report such actions. If not, please let me know how to do it. We flaged it multiple times. Moreover the business owner himself (Zachary Stangle)
left a 5 star review which I think is a violation of policies. I attached the relevant pictures