(*Caption:*An animated banner with text explore the maps challenge, showcasing various landmark icons on a global map, Designed by Local Guide @NareshDarji )
Landmarks help us find a place quickly. We’ve been seeing custom icons of some well-known landmarks on Google Maps for a while now. When we visit a new country or city, these icons make it simple to locate a popular location on Google Maps. So far, I’ve discovered icons for over 700+ famous places in 52 countries throughout my personal research.
Today I have come up with you to challenge you about a landmark. I hope you like it and that you participate in it.
All Local Guides around the world are welcome to participate in the #ExploreTheMapChallenge!!!
What is the Explore the Maps Challenge?
Every fortnight, we will share with you the icons and hints of famous places of any one country here. When you find that place, you have to answer it in the quiz given here. You have to choose the correct answer from the four options given below each question.
The fascinating part is that if you’ve ever visited that place, don’t forget to share a photo with us so that our Local Guides friends may see it through your eyes as well.
More fun
We’ll hold a meetup once the five challenges have been completed. That will, of course, be the Trivia Quiz. The quiz will be based on the last five challenges.
Would you like to co-host the Trivia Quiz meet-up with me?
All Local Guides from across the world are welcome to participate as co-hosts!
So you have to share some fun facts about the place from the last five challenges for a meetup so that we can include them in the quiz.
Interesting challenge @NareshDarji bro, East Africa here we come , particularly Kenya I can participate, can’t afford to miss it. Will surely try and join you. Thanks for this great initiative. Happy Guiding