Experiencing Abbot Kinney, Los Angeles: Will Leather Goods

Abbot Kinney is a very happening place to be at for the enthusiastic travelers and people who love shopping. It is a place full of joy and excitement. You can find here shops of different types, for decorating your house, food items, ice-creams, pizzas, clothing, makeup and what not.

I visited Will Leather Shop with my friends in October 2018 and it was a blast. The owner became an instant friend. The goods were of high quality. Here are some pictures from the shop.


Looks like a fun shop @ArchitOjha isn’t it funny how store keepers become your friend for as long as they think you’ve got money :wink:

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D’you know @PaulPavlinovich that is so correct! :+1:

:joy: I know, right? Shop owners are your strongest ally when it comes to you buying their merchandise but when it comes to voting for you in some very important cause that affects the world, they don’t wanna know!


As long as you buy from them, they’re fine but talk to them about anything else and they have another customer to attend to!


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That is about right @Kol-Colleen_2018

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