Error on obtaining master trailblazer

My places added count has not gone up for months so I cannot obtain my final master badge. I’ve added many new places and the funny thing is you can see my point summary from Google Maps and street view is similar but not exactly the same. Anyone else have similar problems?

Is there some kind of error in the Google Maps application?


@MarkEpicurean You need to add 50 approved places. But you have 35 approved edits showing in a screenshot and other is 41. Sometimes it takes some time to sync up between devices and badges. So be patient and work your way up to 50 places so you get the badges when the sync is completed.


Good answer @SaifIS .


@MarkEpicurean ,

Sometimes we add places but it doesn’t get approved.

Could you please check under the Edit tab if the added places have been approved?

Sometimes the application doesn’t sync correctly and takes times. Thus would request you to wait patiently.


The advise you’ve already been given is right, but there are also times when multiple people add the same place. The place goes onto Maps only once and everyone who added it gets points, but only one of those people will get a count toward Trailblazer. This is quite common in cities @MarkEpicurean