Eat like a local in Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece is my favorite city in the world. I used to live there when I was studying at university and found that it’s a paradise on Earth for a foodie like me. There’s a bakery to discover on every corner and tavernas to satisfy your appetite in every neighborhood.

If you’re planning to visit Thessaloniki, here are my five suggestions for a quick bite that will give you a taste of what the city has to offer.

1. Koulouri (Κουλούρι)

There’s no better way to start your day lightly than having a koulouri. Koulouri is a type of bread shaped like a ring covered in different toppings such as sesame, sunflower seeds, and more. The best koulouri is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

The best part? You can find koulouri everywhere. You can buy one from a street vendor or at any bakery. A great place to have a delicious koulouri is Αφοι Σταγκίδη.

**2.**Mpougatsa (Μπουγάτσα)

Are you someone who needs a bit more than a koulouri to satisfy your hunger in the morning? Then your answer is mpougatsa—a phyllo pastry with many fillings. You can enjoy mpougatsa with cream, white cheese, minced meat, or chocolate. My all-time favorite has custard cream inside and is topped with powdered sugar and cinnamon powder.

You may ask what’s the difference between a mpougatsa and a regular Greek white cheese pie? Mpougatsa has many layers of phyllo inside which makes a huge difference when it comes to taste!

One place to have a good mpougatsa in Thessaloniki is Το Χρυσό.

3. Carioca (Καριόκα)

When visiting a house in Greece, it’s customary for the host to treat you to a chocolate praline or a small chocolate praline cake. Carioca is one such type of chocolate praline cake that will fulfill your need for chocolate. It consists of a fluffy cake with walnuts, coated in chocolate.

You can have some of the best carioca at Agapitos Patisserie, where the friendly staff will make you feel at home.

4. Tsoureki (Τσουρέκι)

Tsoureki is a type of sweet bread that we eat mostly during Easter in Greece. What took tsoureki to the next level? Coated in dark, milk, or white chocolate and having a variety of fillings—from chocolate to chestnut—you can enjoy it all year long. I can’t say that I have a favorite flavor because it’s hard to choose just one.

To try the most famous version of the chocolate tsoureki, let the aroma lead you into one of the Terkenlis sweet shops.

5. Trigona panoramatos (Τρίγωνα Πανοράματος)

Aren’t convinced yet? If you’re not so fond of chocolate but want to try something sweet, then head over to Mélie and order their trigona panoramatos. This is probably the pastry Thessaloniki is most famous for!

Trigona panoramatos are made with puff pastry sheets, dipped in sugar syrup and filled with heavy cream. This is a must-try dessert and you shouldn’t leave the city without having one.

You can easily find all the patisseries in the city center. If you get lost, the locals are always happy to help you find your way around.

What food is your city famous for? Share with us in the comments below.


Thanks for sharing.

These food look so yum! I really hope I could visit Thessaloniki one day.


You’re welcome @ChanneLing , perhaps one day you’ll make it :).

A tip for next time: please tag me with the @ sign every time you want someone to see you respond as I did with your name at the beginning of the post.


Thank you @VasT for the memories :slight_smile:

Here is a song for Koulouri :slight_smile:

Les Chakachas - koulouri

Have a great time !


I take the Mpougatsa :wink:

Good to know that they have no calories …


Hey @VasT ,

Your post made me hungry and crave sweets. :slight_smile:

I’ve been only once to Thessaloniki but I was in such a hurry to go shopping that I barely ate. I went with a couple of friends and we had a nice cup of coffee at Sinatra espresso wine bar. Then we continued wandering around the numerous streets in the city. I ended up buying some jewels, of course, but if I knew I could eat these delicious goods, I would definitely try the Trigona panoramatos and the Tsoureki. Ah well, at least I have a reason to go back.

By the way, do you have a photo of the Carioca without the wrap? I think I won’t miss to try that too.


That’s the very first time I hear this song @user_not_found , thank you for sharing. I’ll assume that koulouri is your favorite from the above :).


I wish they didn’t have any @TorM . Do you have something similar in Germany?


Hello @VasT , we Germans are so lucky, that many people around the world are living here and bring their knowledge with them :slight_smile:

So, in fact when visting my Greek Restaurant I get this. As well when visiting my Turkish Restaurant I get something simular.

(Yesterday I did visit a Indian Restaurant and have lost myself in a Mango Cream Dessert…) other story…

But, no, here are other regional typical sweets, but nothing really comparable with the Mpougatsa in Greece.


You should come again @MoniDi . The above-mentioned food is just an example you should visit a traditional taverna. After all, Thessaloniki is famous for its excellent food and openhearted inhabitants. The best time to try the tsoureki is now since Easter is almost here.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any photo of unwrapped cariocas. I couldn’t hold myself and ate it really fast :D.


@VasT that was a lovely write up. It’s always good to try the local foods when you are to a new place. Being a foodie I always love to discover new street foods and try them. Also thanks for sharing the quick snack places in Thessaloniki, would love to taste them all soon .


You’re lucky @TorM to have the opportunity to try food from different cultures. You’re taking the best of all worlds.


Who can say no to a fresh warm koulouri @VasT ?


When it comes to food, there is no place like Greece… :slight_smile:


I wish I were in Greece to have those foods! Biriyani is a famous and popular food in Bangladesh. And I just came home having a full plate of it. :smiley:

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I wish I were in Greece to have those foods! Biriyani is a famous and popular food in Bangladesh. And I just came home having a full plate of it. :smiley:

Thank you for the local tips @VasT


Hi @VasT , thank you for sharing these delicious foods from Thessaloniki. I hope one day to have the opportunity to taste them and visit this beautiful country. Your post recalls my recent job experience in France where I got so impressed on how you may find amazing bakeries in each corner. Among sevaral pastries they prepare, the best for me is the simple Croissant. For french people Baguette and Croissant prepared at the moment are a must !!! :baguette_bread::croissant: Thank you.

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@VasT all snacks look so yummy, and i like how you captured each snack.


Dear @VasT , Thanks for your post!

Koulouri looks like simit In Turkey, or bublik In Russia. I like it with tea :slight_smile:


That’s another reason to appreciate more Connect. You can learn tips from the locals. I hope you will have one day the opportunity to visit Greece and Thessaloniki @VickyKrish .

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